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About Tigerryes

  • Birthday 02/13/1973

Tigerryes's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi guys, again. 2002 c5 2.2hdi manual. Right had the car a few months now, no probs. Little while ago was out for a long drive and dropped down a gear and put foot down to overtake, suddenly got the esp/asr anti pollution message but no loss of power and no limp mode. Carried on to destination and even though the warning was still showing the car started and ran fine. After a bag of chips listing to the radio, started car and all messages had gone and car was fine. Recently done a de-fap, ecu mapped etc, all done fine. Done some 80 miles or so, no probs. went out today, done another 80 miles, on the way home come off the roundabout and gave it some welly and fine, about 3 miles later the engine just cut out, esp/asr message came up, not even a rolling cut out like fuel had run out, just cut straight out at about 50mph, like someone had switched the ignition off. Pulled over and the car hasn't started since. Checked for fuel at the front, plenty there. It turns over fine but it's not even trying to fire. Got the pump hum at the back when switch the ignition on so that must be ok. Called rescue, no diagnosics equipment with them, but checked the battery, thats fine. Fuses all seem to be ok. Recovered home. Been a couple of hours now and still not starting. any ideas would be great, hope to tow to a friends tomorrow for a plug in but not lexia so would guess its not going to tell me much. I really can't afford to take it to a citroen garage, plus i wouldn't be able to get it there. thanks in advance
  2. We did a bulb change the other day, just put jump leads onto the car's leads before removing the battery, worked a treat. Clock seemed to be ok.
  3. Hi, newbie here and newbie C5 owner. Recently purchased a 2001/2 HDI LX 2.0 90bhp manual. Wonderful car by the way. My husband has had citroens in the past and thinks that the ride height is wrong on this one. It shows the correct position on the dash but does seem to be alittle high on the front. So does anyone know what the ride height is please? Can't wait till August when the manual comes out. Any info would be helpful. Thanks in advance Tiger
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