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  1. oh its a 4 spd manual
  2. update: alright, well maybe I'm a idiot....well not maybe I know its for sure.... I got this idea, instead of trying to jump start the car from another car, how about swapping out batteries. BINGO, the ds fired right up. BUT, now I have revealed a hydraulic leak. one of the lines that run under the drivers side of the car. I have the access panels off and I have the line identified but I need to trace the line up through the front firewall so I can dissconect it and find a replacement line. good news, it runs, bad news, its got a new problem for me to track down! oh well..
  3. Hi all. I have aquired a 72 citroen ds19 us spec and it is in need of repair but is in overall very good condition. The car ran 5 years ago and won a couple of car shows. I have it now and want to get it back the way it was. The first step is getting it running. The battery is long dead but when i jumper it to a running car to jump start it the car does turn over. All the idiot lights on the dash light up and the car does turn over. Problem is I dont have anything (spark) from the coil. I'm not sure how to test it but what i did is hold the main coil wire that runs to the distributor cap from the coil near a ground point on the engine block and could not get any spark. No energy tranfer. Now could this be becasue of some saftey system that is built into the electronics on this car, low battery no juice to the coil? Or is it more likely that the coil is dead? How does a coil die? I checked all the hookups to the coil and all seems to be ok. Any ideas on where to start or how to tackle this? Oh and is seems this is a picasso forum, any DS specific forums around that are active? I appreciate the help, jason
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