Hi, Im getting one of these in about 2 weeks, 06 reg. Its been my grans for two years and has very low mileage- 1205 miles! When she got the car, she recieved the ipod nano which she should have but didnt have the ipod holder or aux jack. This aint a problem i have one in my old car. My question is does anyone else have this car? In the glovebox/cubbyhole on the passenerger side there is a wire coming from between two pieces of trim. Ive always though this was the jack for the ipod since it goes sideways towards the radio. However I tried my ipod on it and pressed the aux/cd button and the radio didnt change. So that rules out the ipod jack. The wire is black and can reach the shelf, i think it may be double sheath ie two wires fused together. If anybody has an idea as to what this is can they let me know. I have emailed the dealer where she bought it from asking about the wire, my other idea was the electronic diagnostics but im not sure its that at all. The dealer hasnt replied btw. Any input wouldbe great... if not i will go to the dealers when i get it.