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  1. ross

    New Car

    yeah id never considered the clio really. Are corsas really that shite lol? whats the 206 like? are the pedals offset and close together like they are on the 106? i dont really want another pugeot to be honest.
  2. ross

    New Car

    I know it has nothing to do with the c4, but i thought id get opinion on the matter as you lot seem to know a fair bit more than me about motors lol.... basically ive got just over 3 grand to spend on a car. cant buy a c4 i know! i currently drive a pug 106 w reg which im fed up of to be fair. im thinking of swapping it for either a C2, the corsa (not the new model) or the pug 206. looking at a 1.2-1.6 engine, nowt too fancy lol. just wondering what the best car outta the three would be worth buying?
  3. obviosuly not gonna be as fast as a 1.60 or 2.0 but do 1.4 engines do the car justice? or are they really slow and underpowered? thoughts please if u will
  4. i f**kin love c4s :D
  5. whens the C4 picasso coming out to replace the rather dated xsara picasso?
  6. yeah i see loads of focuses, dunno y the new ones are soooo boring -the front looks like a mondeo - what were they thinking?!!!
  7. I was just wondering if anyone knows how successful the c4 has done in the UK Since its launch? i never seem to see many on the roads....i proper want a black vts coupe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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