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Tim V

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  1. Hi John sorry can`t help even had ecu replaced still no luck it seems when they go wrong they go wrong no one seems to be able to sort them out, cheers Tim.
  2. Hi Hope you can help me (Tim V ref: engine cuts out intermittantly )posted a while ago to date the following has been replaced lift pump,hp fuel pump and ecu.
  3. thanks John dont really know full history of car just what i`ve been told, bought car 7 months ago from garage turns out previous owner p/exd it as fault could not be fixed garage has been very good and done all work FOC as i said fault is intermittent its been to two citroen garages and the garage where i bought it from no one seems to have an answer coming on here is my last hope thanks again.
  4. 1999 2.0 hdi low mileage ( 53000 ) has intermitant fault engine revs drop to approx 500 /600 rpm pumping the pedal makes no differance. sometimes the engine cuts out altogether and will not restart for a couple of mins.when restarted fault either stays or dissapears no fault codes are ever raised,when fault occurs on motorway runs it`s almost like driving in limp mode ( no k light and car still goes above 50 ) when no fault present car drives perfect. lift pump and HP pump have both been replaced. there is never any warning no missfiring nothing engine just dies.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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