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  1. In my ongoing quest to locate rattle in the above, could anyone advise if this car is fitted with a dual mass flywheel, that could be cause of my problem. At the risk of your eye's glazing over and slipping into a coma, I have detailed this problem in other post :lol: A friend with a 307 had similar problems that were attributed to this DMF Many thanks, C Davis.
  2. With regard this ongoing issue, I have acted on all suggestions offered and also had car fully inspected by MOT inspector on ramp with wheel free. No problems found and would pass MOT as long as other items ok - which they are. This leads me to think this noise must be internal within transmission. I am thinking it could be the clutch, although this appears to work correctly with good selection and no slipping. Could anyone advise if this car would have a dual mass flywheel (poss cause of vibration?) and the likely cost of changing this item and also full clutch assy. I think I would prefer to entrust this work to a citroen dealership. Many thanks in anticipation.
  3. Hi, Jannez, I have identified and checked out this part and all seems OK. Also the heat shields mentioned in previous post, these are all secure. This noise is prevalent when driving at an indicated 32mph in fourth gear, which is slightlly below comfotable threshold for this speed /gear, as well as conditions in OP. I am currently having to drive about 1000 miles a week due to work issues, and whilst this problem is not getting worse, I am quietly hoping the offending item will drop off, so it can be fixed/replaced. Thanks for your help any futher suggestions greatfuly received, or it looks like I will have to be looking at getting a newer one. This will frighten moths out of my wallet when opened. :unsure: Regards, C Davis.
  4. Jannez, Thanks for this info, please could you inform how I gain access . - what dismantling is required to gain view of this area? Is this under bonnet, below battery or by removing central console. Many Thanks, Colin.
  5. Could any citroen expert point me in right direction to investigate cause of what appears to be knocking under the floor, (like drumsticks) when car is either slightly laboured or slowing down and remaining in too higher gear. First suspision was exhaust, but this is original and fixed correctly.I have also eliminated other possible causes, engine undertray, engine top cover, batttery surrounds but the noise persists. It is very difficult to hear if the noise is from the front or rear of car. Driving normally the car is smooth and quiet. I have also checked the spare wheel and tools are secure. Any suggestions greatly received. Regards, C Davis :D
  6. cpdavis

    2003 C3

    Thank you for this most helpful reply. I will now sell Haynes manual and purchase 'Blue Peter' annual instead. :lol:
  7. cpdavis

    2003 C3

    The drivers seat base foam is starting to crumble which would suggest it may be a good time to think about replacing it. The fabric cover is in good condition. My question to the citroen experts on this forum is do they know if this foam base is available on it's own? Any advise regarding this welcome. Regards, Colin.
  8. I have noticed that after straightening up after completing right turn and having indicated right, the indicator self cancels as normal and gives single flash to left. Could anyone advise if squirting a bit of WD40 would cure this problem or make it worse. The 'feel' of the switch is fine with no obvious fault apparent. Regards, C Davis.
  9. Advice required please. Despite known full tank of derv, guage does not iilluminate top two bars on guage. Is there anything I can check out myself, or is this a dealer repair? - all lights show when ignition put on initially. Thanks in anticipation, regards, Colin.
  10. I have an annoying rattle/vibration which disapears when light pressure is placed on passenger side oblong air bag cover panel. I am reluctant to wedge lolly pop stick into gap to cure. Is anyone aware of this problem, and is there a suitable and slightly more professional remedy? Thanks in anticipation, Regards, Colin. :unsure:
  11. Hi, KFK, Sorry for delay in reply. Yes, key does have little screw in blade end. I have a feeling I am going to have a Doh! moment soon. In my defence I once had a Peugeot 406 with identical type key, but with no screw. Regards, Colin. :D
  12. Can someone please advise how to complete the above. I have removed key-ring and gently attempted to separate two halves using wide bladed screwdriver. Whilst it is starting to open, it is clear that it is going to require brute force to separate, and will obviously break in the process. Despite the three pages dedicated to keys in the owners handbook it fails to mention this in any detail. Thanks in anticipation, Regards, Colin.
  13. Hi, All, Could anyone please advise if the rectification of this very erratic display is expensive. Despite parking on level ground, I never seem to get the same reading twice. Sometimes showing full, half or empty, these results after overnight parking. The real dipstick shows reading one mark from full, this is after recent service where I added 4 litres of new oil which is slightly over the requirement of 3.8 litres according to Haynes manual. The reason I ask is that this car has two months left of Citroen approved warranty, but the logistics of arranging this are a pain in the rear! Regards and Thanks, Colin. :P
  14. Thanks for comments guy's. I will now banish offending part to garden shed. Thinking about it, I cross New Forest each day with cattle grids at either end, which are gradually shaking car to bits. Despite hating this car after I bought it last July, it has grown on me and has saved me a fortune in running costs. Once again,thanks for comments, regards, Colin. ;)
  15. Dear all, I have just removed the above item due to excessive vibration, two or three of the oblong captivated locking clips do not allow screws to tighten securely. Whilst I obtain replacements is it OK to use car without tray in place, or even better can I put tray in shed and refit prior to selling? ;) Regards, Colin
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