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  1. tnx for replies guys... With megane I had some minor issues: Sticking door handles Starter changed windscreen crack (most probable because of some stone) Window Sweeper kit changed.. But now an epic ignition/engine problem got me too: (http://www.meganeownersclub.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1724&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60) ... and I'm starting to get tired with it. Dealer cant find a reason during past 1.5 months... Last time dealer tested it for 2 days didn't get any errors or engine misfires... handed a car to me... I've driven 20km and again "service" "Toxic Fumes" and "check injection" shines on me :P combined with a drastic power loss. I'm having 2003year megane ... and ppl say that later productions isnt so problematic.
  2. Hi all, After having lots of problems with Renault (Rubbish) (Rubbish) (Rubbish) meganeII lately, I’ve decided to switch to citroen c4 coupe as my local dealer has pretty friendly offers at the moment. So I would like to ask people who owns c4 – what are the most common „weak points” for the particular model. PS: I’ve browsed through the forum and didn’t find any similar topic, so pls don’t be mad in case I'm doubleposting same question :P
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