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  1. agree with coastline. accept there offer before they change there mind.
  2. will be a lot easier to get the box back in if you remove it.
  3. you need to get the driveshafts checked. if the outer pot joint is worn it could be hitting a tight spot when rotating and pushing the road wheel out over. might also be the reason why it sorts its self out on certain corners.
  4. pulling a plug off a diesel injector with the engine running could cause serious damage to your engine (broken con rod/damage to block). you need to do a leak off test or remove the injectors and send them to a diesel specialist to be tested.
  5. dmf as paul said. done a few of these for this fault. face plate starts to break away and causes crankshaft imbalance.
  6. check the wiring in the drivers door gator.
  7. how often are you re-setting your average econ. best off leaving it alone as you wont get a tru reading for at least a couple of weeks.
  8. dont understand how it ranges from 34-41 mpg. there is a display that will tell you what your average mpg is (1 figure). sounds like your watching your instant mpg go up and down while you are driving and this will not give you a true reading. read the handbook and switch to average instead of instant and you will probably find your getting upwards of 45mpg.
  9. would if i could coastline mate but dont have the rights or know how. just have to try and keep this up until admin sort something. removed more spam than there is proper posts tonight. we are getting hit hard for some reason.
  10. over an hour a night for the last 4 nights going through every post, searching ip's, deleting posts and banning members and you havent noticed. pleased wasting my free time is so appreciated. check the forum and have a look to see how much spam is actualy on there and you will find very few over a day old. belive me, I'mm more p****d off with it than anybody. and please be careful quoting spam as its hard enough to filter out. you could be mistaken for a spammer and banned.
  11. iannez


    have you price'd one from a dealer.
  12. Might be a good idea to have the engine and gearbox auto adaptives reset at a dealer as they will heve set themselves to suit the previous owner
  13. dual mass flywheel could have failed and is causing flywheel imbalance. does the whole car vibrate or just the steering.
  14. We definitely dont want it trublu and i will be keeping a close eye on things from now on so stick with it mate.
  15. the one shown is for a c4. even with the mod harness you will still need to run a ignition live from the fusebox to the set as the standard set does not use one.
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