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Everything posted by revittony
still judders but i have the feeling that it is a mechanical problem eg. drive shaft under load, as it still pulls well when it judders. it does not slow when the judder starts like it did before at this point i will do the mechanics thing and "let it develop". if it is down to a drive problem it will either get worse or stay the same. if it stays the same, i think that i can suffer it as the car goes like a new one now. thanks
the turbo was the correct one but was a re-manufactured one. i got another used one from a scrappy on ebay for £80 and put it on. it now has full turbo and the car pulls like a new one. did an oil and filter change in case that was what caused the problem with the original turbo. the juddering is still there but is not as bad with the turbo working fully. i haven't given it a full run yet but the signs are good, touch wood. thank to all for the help.
i have just retuned for seeing a guy that does the DPF cleaning as was recommended by the scrapyard mechanic. he plugged his toy in and we took the car for a drive for up to date live data. what was found was that there was low turbo boost. he explained that the juddering was caused by the ECU delivering too much fuel and it was flooding causing the engine to hydraulic and was also the cause of the smoke. this was caused by the low turbo boost and the ECU not knowing that it was so. he also explained that over time i would have to drain oil from the sump as the excess fuel would go down past the piston rings and end up there. the cause of the low boost could be caused by a leaking turbo pipe, a leaking inter cooler , a faulty boost valve or a faulty turbo. he did not think that it was the boost valve as he viewed the actuator and it did not release during tick-over. whoever did the re-map, of the ECU, just removed the EGR and DPF from the system and this could be the cause of no fault codes being stored or shown on the screen. he did all this for FREE. i will update when i have checked these out.
i have been checking the pipes to see if there are any split/leaking and cannot find any. when testing the car at standstill i noticed it blip at 3000 rpm. did it every time i revved it up. QUESTION.... my previous C5 1.6 HDI VTR had the DPF block on 2 occasions and when it did there was a lot of exhaust smoke coming from everywhere under the bonnet. when it did this i could not rev above 1500 rpm and no power. i did what someone on the internet said to do and drill 5 holes through the DPF and it worked, car ran a treat after that till the timing belt failed. when i had the DPF off to drill the holes i started the engine and blew out all of the soot. during this time, i found that it would blip at 3000 rpm and i assume that the "limp mode" kicked in for a few seconds then let it rev all the way up. now, if the present car has NOT been re-mapped and it is doing the same as the old car, could it just be down to the DPF canister being empty and that is causing the lack of power getting up to speed and the juddering? it would also line up with the turbo not giving full boost till 3k-3.5k revs it would be like having no DPF on the car. how would i check if it has been re-mapped, if there is a way? sorry to all for not mentioning this before but i have just realised that it could be pertinent.
checked the throttle body(Doser) and the flap has no play and there is good tension on it. i tried to turn the flap and it has good pressure and returns well. removed the EGR and the blanking plate is solid, no wear. thanks
air and fuel filter both changed when the problem started. opened up the fuel filter to see of there was any swarf in it, none. tried to contact the previous owner but got no response, must have known of the problem. if the timing was out it wouldn't run as smooth as it does, that is when it runs as it should, and that is only as it starts to heat up from cold. i am a bit under the weather right now but when i get back on my feet i will be checking the throttle valve. i hope that this is the doser valve. so many things that can cause the same problem. anyone got a Xantia Turbo diesel they don't want? or even a BX Turbo Diesel? them car were like tanks and could run forever, no electronics to go wrong. i had a BX rdt estate once, over 250k on the clock when i sold it.
to Paul.h, the car has done 140.000 miles. i have disconnected the MAF, as mentioned in my original post, and it gave no warnings. it was still disconnected when plugged into the computer(Snap-on) i reconnected it to drive home. when it was unplugged it should have given me a "de-pollution fault" on the screen but it gives no warnings at all. this would tie in with the computer not finding any fault codes or giving live readings. yes, at this time i am between a rock and a hard place. just about at tossing a coin. :D :( to MikeLane. the car does not judder all of the time, only when climbing a hill. it does not do it when pulling away and the gear-change is sweet. the juddering is not constant and i can go for a few miles, at worst, before it starts. would the DMF not do it all the time? when it was worse, it was very wet and i checked for cracks in the wiring in case of short-circuits but found nothing. when i said that it was getting worse, in my previous post, i meant that it was taking a long time to build up speed, not the juddering. sorry for the confusion i have spoken the the mechanics at my local dealer and they cannot give me an answer. told them all of the symptoms and they just shrugged their shoulders, haven't got a clue. they only confirmed that it seems to be a fuel problem but would not tell me what to try. the guy at the breakers, who plugged it in, has told me of another guy to see that deals with the DPF's and to take it to him, before doing anything else, as he might have the answer. many thanks to you all for the help.... to be continued
just returned from having it plugged in. no faults found and no live data available. would re-mapping cause the info not to be stored and not give error messages? getting worse now as it takes a long time to build up speed and judders straight away and all the way up to 60mph. getting to the point of just scrapping it as, being disabled, it is getting so bad that i cannot trust it not to break down. if it were the cam belt the problem would be there all of the time and not just on hills. many thanks
Cam belt kit and water pump done late 2016 as was a new turbo fitted. have to take the revs over 3500 before i get full turbo though when the juddering starts no engine management light after starting the engine. it comes on with the ignition though and goes out a few seconds after the engine is running. starts on the turn of the key, every time. the smoke is a blue/grey but not an oil burning colour. if it was burning oil it would be there all the time. i kind of agree with the engine temp fault as it gets worse as it heats up. gauge says temp is normal but that could be wrong, i suppose. i will look into the live data with my local scrap man as he has a garage attached to the yard. i checked online for info on the DMF and found that when it is on the way out it shudders on take off and the gear change is affected as well. i do not have that problem. thanks to all for the help
i have been told that it is not the DMF as it does not judder on taking up the drive in first. pulls away just fine. the other thing that i noticed is that when it starts the juddering there is a lot of grey smoke from the exhaust and you can see it in the mirror. one other thing that i noticed when checking out all the common causes was that when i lifted the n/s/ front wheel off the deck and put it into first it rumbled very badly as if the drive shaft was off balance. thought the engine was going to fall out. the o/s one did the same but not as bad. would this also point to the DMF? what checks can i do to negate this from the list of possibilities? i saw a topic concerning this from Neil-bx and it turned out to be a drive shaft. no such luck for me. clutch is fine, stuck it in 5th and tried to pull away and it stalled, no slip evident. Battery is also fine, no smells or leaks. no corrosion around it either. many thanks for the replies
Name: Citroen C5 (2007) Date Added: 30 May 2017 - 12:58 PM Owner: revittony Short Description: 1.6 Hdi VTR 5 door Hatchback View Vehicle
Citroen C5 1.6 Hdi 2007 plate i bought this car a couple of months ago and within 2 weeks came down with this problem. car starts first time in the morning. i drive down a hill and onto a level road. i have to nurse the car to 3500 revs in 3rd gear to get the full turbo boost. after that it runs as it should. i can go 25 miles this way, do a bit of shopping for an hour or so, but on the way home whenever i hit a hill it starts to judder. it judders for 2-4 secs then goes as normal then it does the same thing over and over again till the car gets over the top of the hill. at this point it goes back to normal. this is the same every time. i have checked the EGR valve... has a blanking plate on it. DPF.... guts has been removed to leave an empty chamber. leak-off test done, ran for 2 minutes on idle. returned between 35-40mm per injector. drive shaft checked, no signs of wear/heat. Diesel tank unit checked, no pump on this model. added BG244 to clean the injectors etc. added Cataclean on first refill after using up the BG244. was told to check the cooling fan in case it was seized, was free. i have been told that the exhaust fumes smell like rotten eggs, Cat' failure. this is the reason for adding the Cataclean, still the same. the dash display has not shown any faults even when i caused one myself. i disconnect the MAF plug and this should give a "depolution fault" error message.... none. the only thing that ever pops up are, "rear seatbelts not fastened" and the radio station 30secs after startup. never had anything else. it has had a new turbo in the last 9 months and the timing belt was also done at about the same time at this point i am thinking that i need to replace the Cat', Dpf and get the Eolys checked due to the milage. also the glow plugs as i think that that is what is causing the sluggishness on the first mile after starting. i haven't checked them yet. the cost of this outweighs the value of the car but it is in great condition and, when it is running like it should, i love it. anybody have any different ideas or other things to check, i would be very grateful
what about... CITROEN VTR Car Is Towed Rotten Operating Electronics Nackered. Very Tricky Repair i know that knackered begins with a 'k' but i couldn't find anything else that would fit. can you?
had this type of problem myself. it would cut out, with anti-pollution fault shown on the display, wait 30 seconds and it would start. it would go for 200 yards or 10 mls and then cut out again. it took me about 8 cut out and restarts to get to my dealership 1.5 mls away. turned out to be swarf from the electric fuel pump getting into the high pressure pump. they flushed it out and it ran for over a year before i got a different problem i got the old anti-pollution fault again but this time it was due to a bad bit of rubber seal round the common rail pressure sensor plug. ripped it out and still running over a year later. this anti-pollution fault covers so much, even the dealerships have a problem pinning it down. hope this helps someone.
removing the boot switch and drying it out is what i had to do. a bit of grease inside before you close it up helps. it is due to either condensation or a leak from the boot where the spoiler ( if you have one fitted) connects in the centre. there is nothing to it. open the boot and remove the cover. there are four bolts holding the chrome in place, two under the hand grip cover, unplug the button and pull of. the switch cover is only push clipped on.
it is a small unit inside the speedo head that has gone. it happened to me and Citroen wanted to replace the whole dash. all you need is another head, remove the covers to show the back and front of the speedometer bare. remove the needle, behind the head there are two small white plastic pins holding the drive in place. unclip them by moving them to the side, a small screwdriver will do, and pull the unit out. the unit has long pins coming from it that locate into the housing. dont worry about breaking anything as it just slips out and goes back in easily. re- straighten the two plastic pins as they slide straight back into where they came from (before re-inserting), put it all back together but you need to check that the needle is in the correct position as there is no stopper. road test with a friend and pace them at about 30mph and reset the needle as required. that is the only downside to it. hope this helps as you do not need to reset the mileage in a new dash doing it this way.
yes, i have found that disconnecting the battery for even a few seconds cures an awful lot of problems. the most common is the Immobiliser fault. and the radio not going off with the ignition. not had the window one yet, now i will be waiting for it.... cheers in this case the problem keeps coming back.
when i start my air con i get cold air on the drivers side and red hot air on the passengers side. all my temp controls are set to '16' but still the same. this also happens on normal heating. C5 2.0 hdi 2001 this still happens with the temp showing at 20C Citroen dealers cant explain it, i have had the outside temp sensor replaced when it was faulty and showing 102F with ice on the windscreen. any help would be gratefully accepted as my passengers are just about cooked after 10 minutes. i have to switch it off, when i have a passenger, and open the windows
mine does this too. it is actually quite funny watching it bob up then back down a few seconds later. i usually put the suspension right down and then back up to normal to stop it.
i had this problem as well. it was due to the switch on the inside of the tailgate that got corroded. it is really a dead short that happens when you press the button. i simply stripped it out, in about 5 minutes, stripped it down and cleaned and greased the contacts. it is not too hard and anyone could do it. there are no fiddly bits that shoot out when you open the switch up.
i had this problem with my 2001 c5 2.0 hdi. it was due to the outside temperature sensor being faulty. it was showing that it was 102 degrees outside at xmas with ice on the windscreen. the only way to get heat was to turn it up to 28. after i had the sensor in the mirror changed it worked fine.