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  1. i paid 11 quid for the top strut bearing from partco. my pal is going to do the job for 20 quid. i think you just neet to compress the spring and remove the strut.
  2. the bearing on top of the strut is worn. costs around 11 quid for the bearing. not serious. just turn the radio up
  3. Ok im driving the car the other day and after approx 40 mins the car just dies. come to a complette stop. As if someone turned the ignition off, No rough noisies or anything prior. When i try start the car the engine management light comes on. as well as the battery light. Also i have no indicators. nothing happens when press hazards. no central locking.no power windows. radio doesnt work. No interior light. and the digital dash does not illuminate. Also there is an intermitent beeping coming from the dash. the car will turn over but not fire up. headlight and main beam only thing working. All fuses are ok. Took the car to my local garage and they cant read the fault codes from the ecu. Been told that they will take car on wed to citroen garage and try get them to see if they can read the fault codes. what can cause so many things to fail at once. has anyone heard of this b4? any help would be great guys. or im totaly in the Cra*
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