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  1. Hello forum, The transmission on my saxo has started making a noise on the offside front since I went over a medium pothole at the weekend. The noise is similar to what a wheel bearing makes in that it increases with speed and seems to be worse when going down a decline and not touching the accelarator or maintaining speed above 30mph. It doesn't have the same noise as a wheel bearing though (its not a whiring sound, its a bit more pronounced and lower sound than that). I realise that this could be something more serious than just a wheel bearing....is there anything in my diagnosis that anyone can relate to? Thanks in advance...paul
  2. hi again, sorry for my lack of knowledge...whats egr? there are two exhaust systems for a 1.5D, the early ones apparently did not have a Cat, but from sometime in 1997 a Cat was fitted? This tallys also with things like Euro Car parts where there is a non Cat system and a Cat system. Is there anything I can do to ensure that there is the best chance of the car passing its emission test? Thanks again
  3. Hello there, I have a Saxo 98 Diesel which my mechanic states has had the Cat removed at some point and replaced with a non-Cat exhaust system (I believe the early diesels did not have the Cat on) What effect on the MOT will this have? As long as the emissions are lower than the specified level would it matter if the Cat has been replaced at any point? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi and thanks for swift reply John, I already have degunked the engine as described, thats how I know it seems to be coming from the alternator....checked the oil filter also but the oil starts from higher up so have ruled that out. The camshaft oil seal does sound like the obvious problem. Ive checked the camshaft cover as much as I can and the only place I can see the oil is from behind the alternator where its running down and dripping off the end of the sump. I was ready to change the oil and filter anyway so the oil is due to be changed...obviously would be best to have a look then. Thanks again
  5. Hi there forum, Having just sold my BMW 5 series, I decided to go for something totally the other way, and have ended up with a 98 Saxo Diesel. So far all is good and the ecomony is fantastic, however, there is a minor oil leak which I cannot find. I have cleared the existing oil away and have narrowed the leak to originating from somewhere behind the alternator....this isn't a major leak but I would rather know exactly where it is coming from and if a seal or gasket has gone. I realise this is a trait for these engines to have minor oil leaks. Does anyone have any ideas as to where mine could be coming from? Thanks
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