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  1. The way I understood it is the Temp Gauge is a dual purpose display. When you start up it flashes, and this is your oil level. Hopefully it should be full and will say Oil Ok underneath. Once it stops flashing and the oil message disappears, it is now showing coolant temp. I agree its not very clear and the only way to be sure is to check the dipstick.
  2. Hi! I've got the JBL upgrade, and had my drivers door card off yesterday trying to sort the infernal rattle! To my suprise the door speakers are branded JBL as well so it seems you do get uprated speakers as well as the sub in the JBL package. I'm more than happy with the sound from the system, if the rest of the car didn't sound like it was shaking to bits with the bass it would be perfect! I know this won't help if you're convinced on upgrading, but might make fellow jbl owners feel they got more for their money!
  3. I think this would be an interesting one. My Dad used to have a basic Visa and this has got me remembering and doing a bit of internet research (well it beats work). The Visa was a very light car by todays standards, the gti was only 870kg, compare that to 1337kg of the vts. This means the power to weight ratio is almost identical, which is a more realistic indicator of performance. Ok so the Visa will lean at 45 degrees round the bends, but that can help the grip too. Dad's only had the 2 cylinder 652cc engine and that still went ok, but it would make your ears bleed! I still rather have my vts any day though!
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