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John Hilton

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  1. With the help of Simon Borroughs, Parts Advisor, Pentagon Citroen, Oldham I've located the offending fuse. It wasn't easy to resolve the problem. Four major Manchester Citroen agents washed their hands of the problem. It was really annoying to repeatably hear the comment, "bring it down and we'll have a look at the problem". The owner’s handbook is correct in stating that the fuse box is under the bonnet. Other than that it’s as useful as a chocolate fire guard. It is sandwiched between the battery and the inner wing and not very accessible. I spent more than a working day in my attempt to resolve it. I don’t give up easily. So now I’m an expert on the location of the fuse, Yes, the owner’s handbook is correct in stating that the fuse box is under the bonnet. Other than that it’s as useful as a chocolate fire guard. It could have clearly stated that the fuse box is sandwiched between the side of the battery and the inner wing. The box actually contains 9 fuses, 5 big ones secured with nuts and a bank of 4 very small ones in a yellow box. Unlike all the other 4 fuse boxes on the car that have easy accessible owner replaceable fuses, this fuse box is really difficult to access in order to inspect the condition of the fuses. The bank of 4 small ones are shown on a table in the handbook, F6 to F9. F6 being the one I needed to replace. Because the small yellow box containing the bank of 4 small ones is located low down inside the fusebox and I didn’t notice them on my first inspection of the box. The presence of a 100amp fuse and other 4 other big fuses that are all secured with nuts through me of the track.
  2. I need to locate the fusebox that contains the fuse for the boot 12volt accessory socket. The only information in the owner's handbook is that it is F6 25amp in a fusebox containing 4 fuses. It does't state clearly where the fusebox is located. I found all the other fuseboxs i.e. A,B & C under the dashboard and even removed the one under the bonnet just in case the one I need to find it's hidden under it. Main agents haven't been able to help me.
  3. Hi, The problem is caused by failure of the connection between the motor that controls the position of the temperature control air flap and the air flap shaft. I fixed mine recently and it's now OK. If you would like a detailed description of how to fix it then email me at john.hilton@tesco.net. Cheers John
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