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  1. surely collant is drained from the bottom of the radiator? that's where it is on mine, need to jack the car up on the 1.9 as the hose and clip are impossible to get back on otherwise. pop into halfords and have a look at a mhaynes manual, just don't buy it, wast of time on the berlingo, badly written
  2. ok sorted it, I changed the coolant temperature sensor and it only ever idles just above the 10 when cold, much easier to live with. think I could probably have just cleaned up the other one with wire wool, but good to have a new one anyway. bit quiet this forum? :-)
  3. diesel more expensive than petrol to service? Is that true, my van just needs an air filter, a fuel filter and an oil change once a year, then glo plugs every two, surely petrol is the more expensive to service?
  4. hello, yes that is my concern. I previously owned a clio sport and it used to do the same thing when the idle speed control valve needed cleaning, so every 12 weeks I used to take it off and give it a blast with some carb cleaner. I have just bought a manual so will have a look later, basically I don't think it should be doing that you see. Thanks for the reply, if I get any further I will post my findings.
  5. hello I have a berlingo diesel van, it's an 02 and had it for 18 months, on startup it idles at around 10 or more and then when warm at 9. does this engine have some kind of idle speed control valve I can access and clean out does anyone know please? help appreciated.
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