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About Nav1g8r

  • Birthday 07/23/1975

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  1. :unsure: :D haha! Other faults on other cars were: a hole in the top of the compartment in front of the dash/engine bay a perished rubber seal through the firewall (where all the wires come in or the cables etc..) a faulty door seal a faulty door window seal. Obviously they were on fords, VW's and many other makes but it might be worth checking these too...
  2. Thanks. I have a friend who has access to a hydraulic lift so will check it when i get it up in the air. :D
  3. Faulty Sensor? Have you tried to drain it and refill it (with a combination of coolant/antifreeze)?
  4. the reason it melts is due to high amps somewhere. Something is drawing a lot of current. I would put a multimeter on it and then go through keys in, 2nd click, start engine and see what the draw is at each stage. If it is more than 30-40A then it might need a thicker cable (like you get on In Car Entertainment amplifiers, active subwoofers etc.) a good cable should be bigger than 60amp capacity.
  5. I had heard about this and i think that they may have installed ALL of the C5 hydractive equipment in the Zantia. Not a good idea though if it wasn't fitted in the first place.
  6. Don't reconnect the keypad (If fitted) unless you know the code. It will definitely kill the car and only citroen can fix it. If it has a key fob then try the batteries in the keys first.
  7. my 1995 manual states this : "Stop. will come on together with another warning light: vehicle must be stopped as quickly as possible with due regard to safety." If it comes on with a orangy/yellow lamp that looks like an outdoor shower then your oil needs to be checked. I would take it to ATS or Kwik-Fit etc and they will tell you. (Or you could check it yourself - it isn't that hard to do). Mine came on and i checked the oil. I then put a litre of engine oil in - it worked a treat. If it is another orange/yellow lamp then just contact Citroen and they should tell you for free what is wrong....
  8. Great site guys! I have a similar problem: start up the car, Suspension "levels". Move the slider and the front goes up and down but not the rear... The ride is quite good for a 12 year old car and is not bouncy or wobbly but it seems odd that the back wont "lower" when the suspension slider is moved. Is it expensive???
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