Hello all, I've had my new 2.0 HDi SX now for just over a week, what a massive presence the car has on the road, it makes you feel like King Dick driving along. :P Just a couple of minor faults that need sorting out on the 1000 mile service: a. the mirrors don't automatically retract when locking the car, b.I'm not sure about the auto windscreen wipers (reluctant to initially start automatically, then seems ok in relation to the rain falling on the windscreen) The fuel consumption is a bit of a bummer compared to my last car-2.0HDi SX Piccaso- less than 40mpg :o so far. With still only 500 miles on the clock I can't expect anythying else yet. See you later, gazza. Oops, sorry. I've put this post in the wrong section :blink: no doubt some bright spark will budge it over.