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Everything posted by gazza

  1. When I took my car in for its first service at just over 11000miles ( went in early because of a couple of recalls) the tyre report gave the following measurements- front:outer-5mm, middle-5mm, inner-4mm rear:6mm spare(unused)-8mm I later found out that C8's with 15" wheels have been replaced with 16". It's not an official recall, however, if you ask about it you may get it. That's all I did :P
  2. I anyone is still reading this, here is some more info. The wheels and tyres on my car have all been replaced and upgraded from 15" to 16" under warranty. :P
  3. I've got just over 10k on my year old 2.0HDi- no problem with the tyres at all. One tip for the future though, Don't fall for the old MotorSave's "Your trackings out you know. Can we adjust it for you Sir?"
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about them, I didn't get any either. They must either need to be ordered or they are an area specific item. One question for you now. How many of the beaker like removable rubbish bins did you get with your car?
  5. Thanks for the reply pork pie, As regards to the rear doors, I've set the auto-locking function to work, it's also good for security. Hopefully, any other problems should (better) be sorted out later. I've set the over-speed alarm at about 75mph for now as a reminder to keep the revs down (as I did with the Pic), dead easy to crack on too fast with these diesels. How many of the black beaker-like rubbish bins from the electric doors should we get? One or two? Thanks again, gazza.
  6. Hello all, I've had my new 2.0 HDi SX now for just over a week, what a massive presence the car has on the road, it makes you feel like King Dick driving along. :P Just a couple of minor faults that need sorting out on the 1000 mile service: a. the mirrors don't automatically retract when locking the car, b.I'm not sure about the auto windscreen wipers (reluctant to initially start automatically, then seems ok in relation to the rain falling on the windscreen) The fuel consumption is a bit of a bummer compared to my last car-2.0HDi SX Piccaso- less than 40mpg :o so far. With still only 500 miles on the clock I can't expect anythying else yet. See you later, gazza. Oops, sorry. I've put this post in the wrong section :blink: no doubt some bright spark will budge it over.
  7. Hello all, I'll be getting my new 2.0HDi SX on Friday 24th September;(taking advantage of the 3 grand off the list price); stepping up from a 2.0HDi SX Picasso. I've had the Pic since new for 2 years but it seems that I've sort of out grown it. I'll catch you later, gazza.
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