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Everything posted by 750Nig

  1. I bought a C1 Rythm demo car from the dealer in Edinburgh works ok told me it was top of the range 2000 mls it's on the clock but invoice stated 7000. Invoice changed to 2000. How can I tell if this is correct. Look at the milometer part of the speedo ! Also why no itermittent rear wiper and glove compartment cover? It is a cheap car, they are made down to a price, you can buy the glove comp. cover for £30 odd from a dealer.
  2. RUST..................... where ?
  3. There isn't one. That was a surprise. Funny how you don't notice these things, until in this instance the dark evenings have arrived. Is it the same across the range or just in the cheapo Vibe version. Anything else suprised any owners of these wonderful little cars ?
  4. Oooooooo so jealous Roz, driving the most beautiful roads every day. Had a couple of hols driving the passes in an Alfa Spider, absolutely fantastic. Didn't get 500 miles to a tankful tho' !
  5. Have to agree with you, our Vibe was only two days old when a 'pull' appeared on the drivers seat. We go to France quite a bit so picked up some seat covers that fit really well, add a bit more padding and also will protect the tissue paper seats ! I think its a case of 'you gets what you pay for'. The top of the range C1 is still a basic car, they have to make economies somewhere to get the price differences.
  6. Just got back from France, the French C1 and 107 has the same configuration of rear wiper setup as the UK version. No wonder its useless, the cheapskates haven't designed it for RHD. Surely the cost of putting the wiper on the other side would have been pretty minimal. I feel a letter to Mr Citroen coming on ! I didn't see a French Aygo and was over there for 4 weeks. Jap motors aren't so popular over there it seems.
  7. [Erm, sounds offensively obvious but have you tried moving the mirror?.... I assume you mean adjust the mirror, not physically move it to somewhere else on the windscreen. Well yes I have adjusted it, with the difference in height between her n me it has become an auto action after 26 years of wedded bliss! My point is that the I beleive the rear wiper goes in the wrong direction on right hand drive cars. The wiper doesn't cover enough of the right side of the window and doesn't go high enough. I'm off to France next week so will have a look at a French model...... and a French C1 too if I'm lucky.
  8. I am 6' tall and can't see a thing out of the back window in the rain. The wiper doesn't cover the right area of window for me to see what is behind. This doesn't seem to affect the wifey who is 5'4". On another forum someone is trying a longer blade, but that forum seems to have died so not sure how he got on. I reckon its a design fault and the wiper should be moved on right hand drive cars to cover a better area of the rear window. Would the go faster spoiler help perhaps ? Cheers Nig
  9. Up to now it has played anything that we have put in it, inc cdr copies (of originals in my possesion of course !)
  10. Hello, just joined and will add my 2p worth. Bought a new C1, 550 miles so far without incident. Wifey drives it 2 miles to work and back. Went on a long run a couple of weekends back, pouring rain but the little bug drove well. No leaks noticed as yet, just the run off from the glass boot door when its open. Annoying if there is something in the boot that doesn't want to get wet. Mind you, not that much fits in the boot ! We found the seats uncomfortable on a run, has anyone found seat covers that improve matters ? All in all she loves the thing, I love the running costs ! We traded in a Disco Tdi for this so reckon we'll save £500 pa + fuel savings. She has also had an Alfa Spider (hello SpiderS3) and prefers the C1 for the work run. Cheers Nig
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