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  1. Does anyone know if Coastline is away? Have messaged him but my message hasn't been been read yet.
  2. Thanks Paul, I'll post up a new topic with the details tomorrow. The C3 was replaced by the C4. The Rangie (a long time dream of mine) wasn't meant as a replacement for my C5 as I still wanted to use the C5 as my daily work transport and not put huge mileage on the RR. In the end I am now only travelling into the office once or twice a week with rest of time working at home so use the RR most of the time and the C5 hardly at all. I can't really justify both now that my annual mileage is more like 10k rather than 35k. I'm also getting grief from the wife about having another C5 sitting on the drive (my previous one was there for 3 years before I scrapped it.....!!!). Tried to persuade my son to have it when he starts driving next year but apparently it's not cool enough for a teenager....!!!! I'll be sad to see it go as I've loved all my Xantia's and C5's over the past 17 years and I'd rather it went to someone who appreciates Citroen's. Im looking for £250 with loads of spares thrown in. If it doesn't sell then it'll be scrapped which would be a real shame. My wife tells me to stop being so attached to it but it's not easy......LOL
  3. As it says, I have my C5 for sale but couldn't find an obvious place to advertise it to fellow Citroenista.........
  4. Yes I would rather keep the C5 but the C4 is used by SWMBO and she doesn't like to drive the C5 as says its too big (this from someone who used to drive her Dad's Austin 2200 aka Land Crab back in the day!!!) So, the C5 has to go, along with loads of spares as I just won't need them anymore. Will be giving it a bit of a clean up in the next few days then trying to shift it. I know its not worth that much due to age and mileage but I'd hate to just see it scrapped. C'est La Vie...... .....and yes the C4 recall has been done. Lot of hassle over nothing in my view!
  5. Hi all, thanks for the useful tips. Spent this afternoon getting it off the car after trying to get it to work without success. As usual the Haynes BoL was its usual erroneous self.......says you need to remove clutch slave cylinder, Jack up front, remove engine under tray and then take it out through the bottom.......pah......remove air filter, intercooler hose, 3 bolts and out. 20 minutes tops. Anyway, got it out, compared it with the spare I took off my previous C5 but pinions were different with different numbers of teeth. Bizarre really as both cars were 2.0 HDI, 2005, 6sp box etc. Anyhow, starter solenoid worked but motor seemed a bit stiff to turn so stripped it down, checked brushes (all ok) cleaned it up, refitted and started first time....RESULT. Now I have to get round to selling it......wife doesn't think I need 3 cars......it's a shame as it's been really good to me and just keeps on going. Have loads of spares for it too. Oh well!
  6. Have been away for a week or so and tried to start the C5 Saturday but all I had was a clicking sound. No problem I thought, it usually needs a bit of a battery top up when its been left for over a week, so plugged in the Ctek and left it a couple of days. Tried it this morning and still the same. Plenty of battery juice but the starter solenoid just clicks when you turn the ignition switch. I'm guessing the solenoid may have died but does that just happen without any warning signs??
  7. Thanks for looking. Yes I have seen that one but it is the wrong colour. The listing has also been up and down for months which makes me wary and I don't want a wheel with damage.
  8. Hope its OK to post this here, didn't see a For Sale/Wanted forum section. Originally wanted one as a "proper" full size spare rather than the inflation kit the car came with but now one of the wheels has been knackered in a pothole, needs to go on the car. Thanks
  9. Thanks Paul It was a little confusing but i swapped front jets around and still the same so decided to dismantle the ram and then maybe use bits from the one I took off my previous C5 when I scrapped it. I carefully cut the front section (this locates the ram under the headlight unit) in a few places where the "square" slots are so that I could lever the plastic up a bit and release the lugs and split the ram. Once opened I could see that the one way valve which controls the water that goes to the jets was broken and loose in the bottom of the tube. Stripped the spare ram I had, found the valve to be fine, swapped over and, after a few false starts got it working great. All now sorted for the MOT. Phew :DIt's really not that difficult once you get it apart and saved me nearly £100. Result. :D
  10. Yes, that is the accelerometer and does throw an error if its defective. Last time I checked (2 years ago when I changed my wife's) a new one was £400....!!!! They are quite common across a number of PSA cars, just google the part number. My wife had a C3 and it was the same as the one I took out of my scrapped C5 so £400 saved :)
  11. Hi All Been a while but am back again..!! :)My C5 needs a new MOT soon and I gave it a once over this week and everything is fine apart from one of the headlamp washers doesn't work properly.It extends out but I don't get any water through it.A new one from Citroen is nearly £100.....!!!!Is it possible to strip it and check for blockages?Any thoughts?CheersRob
  12. You don't say whether the garage was a Citroen specialist and I presume you paid quite a bit for the work so it shouldn't really be up to you to find out what's wrong. There could be a whole range of things which are causing the problem with any number of sensors, cables, plugs etc possibly damaged during what is quite a major bit of work. Has anybody plugged a lexia into the car to look at all the fault codes. It's essential, and not just any old code reader it must be the proper one for citroen. If the faults haven't been cleared since the work there will be a huge number of them. Clear them all and then see what comes back when you try to start it. Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
  13. If the 2.2 HDI operates in a similar way to the 2.0 then the cam sensor is only required when starting and so it would make sense that it was an intermittent fault. Failure of the sensor does not put the car in limp mode. If you wanted to just turn the engine over without starting it (I needed to do this when I changed turbo and wanted oil pressure before starting) then all you do is unplug the cam sensor. Once the engine is running you can unplug the sensor and nothing will happen.
  14. LOL........if only Paul
  15. Depends...... Biggest factor is type of journey. Lots of short journeys in town on busy roads will mean you use the brakes much more than long motorway journeys. I do 30k a year mainly motorway with little braking and my pads tend to last about 18 months, around 45k. Other factors include how gentle or heavy you are on the brakes. I know someone who accelerates away from one speed bump and then brakes really hard before the next one.....!! Also depends on quality of pads. Once bought a cheap set from halfrauds and they were knackered after 8k. Having said that, I think previously my local garage have said they usually expect OEM quality pads to last about 15-18k in normal use Rob
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