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  1. Any ideas at all on how to replace this? Thanks.
  2. Looks like I need to replace the stepper motor for my speedo. Followed the instructions and got the dash out no problems. The 2 white stalks that hold the motor in look fragile and easily broken if pulled too much. Whats the best way to remove the old motor from them, by pulling the motor straight up or trying to wedge them out? Thx.
  3. Hi all, I have a 2001 2.2 Hdi C5 and recently the drivers side headlight washer has broken off completely and been lost. The entire arm which would normally come out and spray the headlight is missing. Any ideas on the best options to replace it? How does it come out, would it be by removing the headlight or does the bumper have to come off? Thanks for any advice.
  4. That is on the cards, and also a warning that sometimes its best left to the experts :-) I should have taken the dealers original £130 quote, would have saved me in the long run. Deal or No deal anyone? 2.2HDI
  5. Here is the update. Had the C5 at the dealer today and the outcome was that the Inde had fitted the sensor incorrectly, the wrong way round according to the dealer. Once fitted correctly the problem has hopefully gone for good. There was also a cracked pipe/hose in around the engine which they spliced and fixed. Not sure which as by the time i collected the car they had mostly gone home for the evening. He also recommended new eloys and filter, i checked and i had this replaced at 63K by the dealer (now 93K on the car not 97K as i posted earlier) so is it usually replaced after 30K? Total bill £170 labour and the car is driving well i have to say. Still a bit of creaking from the back but nothing out of the ordinary. Thx all for the help, advice and suggestions. 2.2HDI.
  6. Hi Coastline, thx for helping out mate. No its not an estate model. 1st i went to the dealer who charged me £57 odds and he said he reprogrammed the BHI. He did say that the rear level adjusting sensor needed replaced and quoted me a rough price of £130 to fit, which i felt a bit steep. He told me my problems would be gone. I bought the part and got an Inde to fit it, £35 for the part and a new arm to go between the sensor and back axle, £30 to fit. It still refuses to lift at the back only after this. The Inde who knows the service manager at the local dealer phoned him to ask his advice.He says that 100% for sure its the pump. Before i commit any more money to the car i was just wondering if there is a possible workaround or cheaper option to fix. It also has the dreaded anti pollution fault of late and i dont wanna spend a whole lot more on the car. I replaced the Timimg belt and Com 2000 this year at the dealer also altenator at Inde and maybe its not worth it to start throwing more money into the car. The back suspension is also starting to creak quite a bit so im trying to weigh up the options. When it drives it drives well, 97K on the clock but maybe its time to move on from my old C5 :-) 2.2 HDI
  7. No, it was still stuck in the down position. 2.2HDI
  8. Thx for the advice, I will check it out and keep you updated on my progress. 2.2HDI.
  9. Hi and thx for the help. The dealer was 100% certain it was the sensor. As soon as i replaced that now its the pump. The front will lift and lower without problems, its just the back that refuses to move. 2.2HCI
  10. Any idea on a price at the dealers?
  11. Hi, I recently have had the same problem return whereby when i have to change a tyre on my C5 2.2HDI exclusive, the suspension sticks in the fully up or down position at the back only. I was told by my local dealer that the level sensor which is attached to the back axle/wishbone was cream crackered and needed replaced. Having had this replaced by an Inde, the car still remains in the down position at the back only. Now the local Citroen dealer reckons that the pump that feeds the back suspension is cream crackered also. Any one any ideas opinions or fixes please, i'm starting to loose the plot with my C5. Thx. 2.2HDI.
  12. Thx again for all the help and advice RandomBloke. I did try what you suggested, sport button and all but no joy. Went to the dealer today and have my C5 back to normal (for another while). My wallet is £55.72 lighter but im back on the road. The dealer said that a cable/connector had been unplugged when the car was lifted on the ramp. They reconnected it and had to Reprogramme the BHI (Whatever that is). Alls good now until my 100K service, fingers crossed.
  13. Hi Again RandomBloke and thx for the advice. The sensor in the picture is the one i suspected, attached to the Anti roll bar back axel. I gave it a good dose of wd40 and left it 24 hrs, it was very free to begin with. I was able to play about with it but the suspension stayed up. Today after it soaked for a while, i got under again and after moving it back and forth a few times the back end dropped down again :-) Horrayyyyyyy!!! Only now its stuck in the down position and i cant get under to fiddle with the sensor :-) I guess its off to the Dealers i go. Will let yous know how i get on.
  14. Hi RandomBloke, Thx for the advice, i will give it a try and let you know how i get on. 1 question :-) Where is the sensor i should WD40 ? Are the height sensor / rear height sendor the same thing? Cheers.
  15. Hi all, Anyone know how i can get my C5 2.2HDI Exclusive to sit level again? I had it to the garage to get a puncture repaired and when it came down from the lift, the back suspension has stuck in the highest position. I did notice then the the suspension fluid was a bit on the low side so i topped it up. Still no joy. Any ideas tricks to get it back to normal would be greatly appreciated. Michael.
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