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  1. Solved Dry joint on wires soldered to circuit board Got round to taking the gear change leaver apart. Leaver surounding bezel off. Then there are there are 2 plastic layers clipped on over the top of the gear lever proper. Try to unclip them as the clips are a bit light weight and fragile. Remove the 4 screws that hold the gate on. It is operated by a small magnet on the side of the gear leaver that affects 3 swithes on a small circuit board. Each time I removed and refitted the board, it fits in a slot, it would work OK for a while. As no other fault apparent I resoldered the wires to the board. Now OK.
  2. Can anyone describe how you access this stepper motor please??
  3. How do I get to the motor??
  4. Apost on the fix please mine has gone now.. Thanks
  5. Thanks glad it only cost me a fiver Did they charge you much?
  6. Found this if helps some..... XSARA, PICASSO, XANTIA, SYNERGIE, EVASION CENTRAL DOOR LOCK (1 BUTTON PLIP KEY) Procedure 1. Ensure that all the doors are unlocked using the key. 2. Press and hold the remote button until the LED stops flashing. 3. After releasing the button, the LED will light constantly. 4. Press the remote button once, and the LED will extinguish. 5. Open the door and hold the remote near the Ignition switch, and press the button once. 6. Now turn the ignition ON, and wait 10 seconds then turn the ignition OFF. 7. After 5 seconds, the remote should now be operating. CENTRAL DOOR LOCK with DEADLOCKING (2 BUTTON PLIP KEY) Procedure 1. Ensure all doors are unlocked using the key. 2. Press and HOLD the large remote button while the LED flashes continuously for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds press the small deadlock button once while still holding the large button. 3. The LED will stop flashing. 4. Release the large button and the LED will light constantly. 5. Press the large button one time, and the LED will go out. 6. Open the door and hold the remote near the Ignition switch, and press the large button one time. 7. Now turn the ignition ON, and wait 10 seconds then turn ignition OFF. 8. After 5 seconds, remote should now operate. BERLINGO 98 > Procedure 1. Turn the Ignition switch to accessory position using the key, without the remote attached. 2. Hold the remote towards the receiver at the front of the vehicle. 3. Press the large button, then the small button on the remote. 4. Repeat for second remote key if required. 5. Turn ignition OFF. 6. After 5 seconds, remote should now operate. SAXO Procedure 1. Unlock the vehicle using a Key. 2. Press the LOCK button 2 times within 20 seconds of unlocking the vehicle. XSARA / XSARA PICASSO / C5 (Oval flip key) – To Resynchronise Existing Remotes ONLY! Procedure 1. Turn Ignition ON. 2. Press and HOLD the LOCK button for 5 seconds. 3. Turn Ignition OFF. 4. After 5 seconds test remote key. DISPATCH Procedure 1. Turn Ignition ON, and wait for LED to go out.(If fitted) 2. Press the LOCK or UNLOCK button with 20 seconds. 3. Press the LOCK or UNLOCK on other remotes within 10 seconds. 4. LED should light for 1 second. 5. Check remotes for operation. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Guide ID: 10000000007275635Guide created: 25/05/08 (updated 13/06/09) Found this if it helps some....
  7. My C5 only came with 1 plip & key. and no security card.. I have got a used plip and key from EBAY for a fiver. My research sugests I can pull out the blade from this plip get a new key blade cut and reinsert it. I have checked its battery and theres a nice 3.2v. How to marry up the new plip to the car? befor I get a key cut? Googleing gives a procedure for nearly every Ctroen except C5!! Nearest sugestion.... insert key and turn on ignition press the lock then unlock button within 20 sec's, within 10 sec press lock & unlock of new plip.... Anybody recognise this procedure??? Thanks DB
  8. What was it you did not think of?
  9. My AUTEL GENscan from EBAY is OK
  10. Right I have got an Autel code reader and it reports no codes. I asume there is a master switch that changes it form Automatic to Manual control. Do you think its under the handle or on the gear box?. Haynes is unhelpful. I have tried removing the gear handdle its very tight anymore effort may damage it.
  11. Right thanks for that..... I will try to find out what kind of box it is...will there be a number stamped somewhere or will I have to do an enquiry on the chassis number? I have always had auto cars and the operation of the box is totaly normal no jerks or other wierdness.. I asumed the manual side would have been controled by micro switches I thought they would have been by the shift lever, magnetic reed switches by the sound of it. A bit more difficult to diagnose. Its got another 10000mls to next service maybe I will leave it till then, I think they do a diagnostic as part of that and see what comes. i might have stopped worrying about it by then and leave it as is. Thanks for help
  12. Thanks for your reply... The previous owner seem's to have been meticulas It has a full Ctreon history, the last Service and MOT 1st of June at Citreon. I have all the past repair bills. I feel the owner I bought it off never used the manual side. Only gearbox related item was a gearbox oil change at 3rd cervice no reason stated. Its a 2001 50000 mls. 4 speed box. Can you tell me where the Gearbox ECU is and how to get the auto gear shift handle off? I have examind it, does it unscrew or pulloff? Speedo works, reverse light OK. Only fault? I can find is occaisional electronic Buzz from behind the dash board at random intervals.
  13. Yes I have a Haynes arrived last week, I have searched everything I can find here, and else where for a clue. I was rather hoping not to launch blindly into it, just my luck to get a fault no one else has had! . The Box operates OK just no manual side. Put it there it just carries on in auto mode with no change to the dash indicators. Do you know if the switches are at the base of the lever or does the lever opperate other controls remotely?
  14. :) Is there no Tech guy on this forum??? was rather hoping to get a clue as to what was wrong here. Put lever to manual no lights on dash just keeps going in auto...
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