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Everything posted by ColinC1

  1. Though I would fit a cheap and cheerfull solution to my lack of outdoor temperature monitoring on the C1. I bought a neat indoor/outdoor temperature monitor from my local garden centre, (cost under £8 ), its used mainly for greenhouses. The monitor, has continous duel display, choice of F or C, and also takes a note of the highest and lowest temperatures with a reset. it is battery operated. I just stuck the display down in the center console, with double sided tape, with the outdoor cable/sensor lead ran out to the outside of the car as photo. The position of the sensor is located behind the side plastic triangle in front of the drivers door (as its a short length of cable), I just pushed the sensor behind the triange. There is a slight bit of wind factor on the move, which gives me a false reading of about 2 degrees F below the true value, so I just add 2. At least it gives me a truer reading than just sticking my hand out, so it will give me an ice warning this winter :blink: http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g293/greatchi/B%20team/Noname3.jpg
  2. Every time you wash the car, once a week in my case, you inspect the front for stone chips, even the sides as well (usually they would be low down). Buy a Citroen touchup stick for your car colour, and if the chips within a week, you can just cover it with a small touch (dab) of paint, if its longer than that you will need to check for and clean out any starting rust.
  3. You realise you are now going to have to change your member name to.... Not so angry :rolleyes:
  4. All the above work seems reasonable enough for the money, but i dont think my car needs that done after one year and only 6000 miles driving. PS... I am that used to services, where they ask for additonal work and cash, and I get a bit fed up with it. My other car had a service last month, and I was asked if I wanted an air-conditioner overhaul and change of filter to reduce mould growth :lol: , all for £30. I was going to say yes, then I realised I do not have an Air Conditioner unit in the car :lol:
  5. Well done, but once its rebuilt to your satisfaction, I would take the car with a friend, onto a big open bit of tarmac, and double check the foot controls, so that you feel safe with them :lol:
  6. I had my car in last week for the first year service, and the only item against the car, was that the front disks were slightly noisy (there opinion). Citroen did not remove the wheels to look as I had tie-wraps on the wheel covers, and they had not been cut off, so it was just an EAR inspection :lol: They recommended that the car be brought in to get the dust removed to make it quieter, at a cost of £35. Not covered under the warrenty. I told them that i had brought the car in when it was 3 months old due to the same thing, so dust build up must be quite bad on these cars, considering I have only done 6,000 miles so far. Anyway, to be on the safe side, i sprayed the discs with a 'car-pride' Brake clean spray (costs £1 in the yellow coloured can) and that removes the dirt and dust. Directions... Put a newspaper under the disk, spray around the disc, wait till dry. catch runoff dirt and dust on the newspaper. Easy. job done.
  7. This sounds as if there has been falure of the metal linkage between the pedal on the passenger side to the drivers pedal, so the fault lies with the installer. As stated above this is an insurance job, and if the car is new, then i would ask for a new car, and i would even consider saying that their may be a case for suing someone here, for gross negligence, due to such an important loss of function such as braking.
  8. To me, this trim it is not fit for purpose, especially when it can tug, just by getting on and off it by sliding. A seat should be tough enough to sit on and move about without damage, and its not just ours, as i have checked the 107, and the low spec models have some of the same soft material in the front triange.
  9. Well, thats my first service done, £165 for an oil and filter change and keep the warranty going for another year ;) I notice other car makes are now offering a three year warranty package deal for £100. I will make sure that this comes into the equasion, the next time I buy a new car ;) Its these hidden costs that make an economy car, far more expensive than neccessary, and I still think £165 very expensive for what they actually do, and who knows what a 2nd year service is :(
  10. I have had my red C1 almost a year now and have had only one very small stone chip on the front of the bonnet, which I fixed instantly with Citroen C1 Touchup red part number 9993.45, cost £6.50 if I remember. OK, you can be unlucky with flying chips , BUT, and there is no denying this, the reason why most people end up with loads of bonnet chips (and I am not say this is you), is that they drive too close to the car in front. So the moral is stay well back and you should keep a reasonably chip free bonnet ;)
  11. On a similar subject.... Everyone please check under your bonnet just after a torential downpour. Do you have rain water all over your engine and battery, and electrics :P If so, then the problem lies with the horizontal rubber seal letting in drips, as it is not compressed enough to the bonnet when shut. I had this... My Solution that works ... Smear the seal with some silicon grease (NOT Vaseline as petrolium products rot rubber). Engine bay is no longer awash with rain water :huh:
  12. Its RHINO polish, my brother got me some from somewhere abroad ... it says as hard as a Rhinos hide on it, maybe that will makes the sides tough in carparks ;) UPSIDE As for the car, well I have nearly had it a year now, and it runs great, japanese gearbox and engine is brilliant, easy gearchange and light clutch, good fuel economy, so easy to drive and looks good. DOWNSIDE Leaks from door seals... Had a lot of leaks from the two door seals under torential rain (quite a common complaint), been back to the dealer twice about it, they adjusted them, the doors are alighned correctly, but the seals have just not got enough pressure to prevent drips getting in. I have given up now unless there is a new door seal design coming out, and now smeared the seals with silicon grease, and that stops anything getting through. Seat Cloth... Seat Cloth on the cars are very poor, as mentioned on the site in another thread, and tug too easily, ending with rips or pulls. I am in DISCUSSION with my dealer on who pays to replace the cloth on my front passengers seat, as it was tugged by my daughters jeans, just by her dragging herself off the seat, and looks a mess. So I am saying that these seats are not up to the job, and I do not want to put seat covers on. So I await some sort of result.
  13. Hi Martin, Its just the standard non-metalic red, but it had been well polished for that photo shoot ;) I have had previous bad experience in supermarket carparks, with a car that did not have side strips, and I ended up with a big dent in the door, requiring an expensive respray job. Hence, I had actually bought these Aygo strips the day after I ordered the C1, even though it took another three weeks to get the car. So they were fitted on day one of ownership.
  14. I fancied a Sunroof... So I got an aftermarket sunroof fitter to fit a sunroof suitable for the C1. Its an Inalfa F700 three position manual opening sunroof, price £170 fully fitted, guarented for 3 years.... You will find these sunroof fitters locally in your yellow pages. http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g293/greatchi/B%20team/PICT0A.jpg http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g293/greatchi/B%20team/PICT0B.jpg
  15. The C1 Vibe does not come with side strip protection, and I did not like what to me is the half finished look of the 'doors only' protected of the C1 Rythm two door model, which by the way is also the same as the Peug 107. Instead, I opted for fitting the 2 door Aygo side strips, costs around £65 from Toyota parts dept, and just stick on. Very easy to fit, and to me looks far better than what Citroen or Pueg offer ;) http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g293/greatchi/PICT0027.jpg http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g293/greatchi/PICT0024.jpg
  16. I am just coming up for one years ownership with my C1 I have been quoted £165 for first service. Is this the standard price ? It seems a lot for just an oil and filter change.
  17. I get on average 58 MPG, which is just as good as my prevoius Smart Fotwo. On the subject of the engine noise from the C1's three cylinder engine, well, the Smart car had a 600cc three cylinder engine/ turbo version in the rear of the cabin, and that was REAL noisy in comparison. I do have to agree that the Aygo Toyota transmission in the C1 is the best, I just love Japanese gearboxes for easy changing and light clutches. Thats the only reason I bought the C1, because of Japanese reliability, and it was cheaper than the Aygo :(
  18. Thanks for the info, I will first contact my local Citroen dealer this week, and ask if the front passenger seat bottom cover can be replaced under guarentee, rather than a whole seat. I just wished now I had thought about this soft seat material before buying a Vibe, and just paid the extra for the Rythm model. Mind you, I could not have envisaged this problem when I bought it. I just hate the way car designers do not think about the praticalities of everyday driving, or is it a case that when you buy an economy base model, you just get cheap cloth, grrrr :lol:
  19. Only solution I can think off, is to give it a bit more revs, from start. I find the car only sluggish on steep hills, other than that, it runs fine.
  20. I reverse my C1 out the drive from new, for the last 8 months, no knocking at all. Usually a knocking sound on full lock means suspesion trouble, I had that on my previous car and it was a busted spring. So I would say go back to the dealer and show them the problem.
  21. Hi, I am new on site, but not to Citroen as I have a C1 & a C4 as well. I have owned a C1 Vibe now for 8 months and have found that this model comes with very soft material, it is black with a grey triangular section on the front part of the seat botom. I am finding it hard to prevent the material getting tugged. Any other owners have the same problem ? The other day my daughter slid onto the passenger seat wearing jeans and the trouser pocket tugged the grey section and it now looks like a disaster. The black section is not that better off, with quite a few tugged areas, but harder to see. The next model up C1 Rythm comes with tougher cloth, so why are Citroen fitting this poor material to the basic model. If I hang onto this car for the 3 years I envisaged, there will be nothing left of the seats. Do you think I should go back to Citroen and demand the chair be fixed or ask for the C1 Rythm material, I just feel this soft material is not man enough for the job it should be doing and is a total disgrace.
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