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  1. im thinking of removing dfp filter from my 2.2 estate , now ive asked a mechanic but he says that hes read that the rear pressure sensor outlet (?) has to be modded with the nozzel from a mig welder , has anyone come across this or is he telling me porkies ?
  2. yes the button does work and ive resert all the values down to 0 , now the only one thats moved is the average speed that now reads 11mph even when im parked , get 0 on both distance travelled & average fuel consumption have had an auto electrician check all fuses (inside glovebox and under bonnet) all ok
  3. bought the car about 3 months ago and its taken a while for me to realise i have a couple of electrical problems 1 - only get 3.4v at rear 12v socket , with or without ignition on 2 - dash computer works fine except - distance travelled , average fuel consumption , average speed ( all the amounts with small antenna symbol) and 1 more which i think is link to #2, cant get cruise controll to work at all
  4. i have a 52 2.2 c5 estate that i just paid £25 , yes you read it right , £25 for a full dark grey interior from ebay look on ebay theres always bargains !!! my new c5 interior on ebay
  5. now taken
  6. i hope this is in the right section i have just changed the interior in my 02 c5 estate and have all the seats and 4 door cards (light fawn colour on seats and 2 tone on door cards) thought i would offer it on here first FREE i live in shrewsbury in shropshire , collection only lol
  7. does anyone know of anyone in shropshire who can do this ?
  8. just aquired a complete unit from rear glass (rear screen had been broken) and ive got working switch , wiper ect as 1 unit but how do i get top cover of ?? i can see its clipped on but dont want to break it by being ham fisted :rolleyes: if anyones got an exploded view of unit would be much appriciated :D
  9. cheers Randombloke only just got my c5 so had no idea what was missing :rolleyes:
  10. can anyone tell me whats missing in these photos and whats the brown & blue wires for ?? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v157/atherlon/11072011057.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v157/atherlon/11072011056-1.jpg
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