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Everything posted by Johndouglas

  1. Your vehicle is probably similar to the C5 and they are also without washers under the hub nut. However instructions do say that the interfaces of the hub nuts should be coated with grease before fitting. Tightening torque is 240ft/lbs
  2. So far on my C5-X7 I've had no trouble with window regulators but when I got the car I took the precaution of getting a repair kit to keep by me. I paid around £16 on ebay. Also they do the replacement regulator:- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CITROEN-C5-WINDOW-REGULATOR-LIFT-FRONT-LEFT-PASSENGER-SIDE-WRL2022L-/301203874044?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&fits=Plat_Gen%3AMK+III&hash=item46212660fc
  3. All I've ever done is clean them up and coat them with copper slip.
  4. I don't think there will be much difference in various brands of T-cut. Looking at the colour of it my guess would be that the compound is cerium oxide in a carrier.
  5. Hello & welcome to the forum. On a C5 of 2008 vintage there's been a few faults being reported. First you need to be aware that not all the C5s are on hydraulic suspension. Only the Exclusive models have it. All the others are on steel springs. Not that that's a drawback. My own is steel sprung and I find it fine. Some members have reported window mechanisms failing, although mine so far have been no trouble. Other members have reported a low oil pressure message and that has required a new fuse box to put right. The roof line on the Mark 3s is lower than the previous models so can be difficult putting larger objects through the rear passenger doors. Finally, some members have reported leaking power steering racks, but again I haven't had to deal with it. In the Technical section there is a topic about common problems. See|:- http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/20279-common-problems-rev-872015/
  6. Sorry - I haven't a clue as to what needs removing. This piccy may help. The breather is No 22 - or I believe you can refill by removing the reverse switch - No 13 http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i53/Johndug/P1050432_zpso5ai7ngs.jpg[/url]
  7. Hello. Whilst we welcome new members to our forum we do not allow advertisements to be posted. Yours has been removed.
  8. I don't believe there is one. AFAIK the method is to drain off all the oil and then add the correct amount through the breather which is on top of the box.
  9. A few weeks ago I was dismayed to find that someone had raked something alongside my car starting from the headlamp down to the rear light. It was obvious that it was vindictively done rather than accidental since the scratch dropped down to go below the mirrors and door handles. It looked an expensive job to put right, however I used some T-cut (Carplan) on it, then some metallic car polish, and after a lot of work, I was satisfied with the result.
  10. Maybe a heat shield loose and vibrating. Maybe the exhaust vibrating. Even something stuck in a tyre tread. Or maybe a brake pad r4attling. Time to start investigating.
  11. You need to get the codes read. Without them you're groping in the dark.
  12. Economy mode activates as soon as the battery voltage drops below a certain figure. It should still start in spite of economy mode showing. What reading do you get off the battery before attempting to start? Has the engine been running since it was replaced?
  13. In the best of C5s very often the front suspension legs have a misting of oil on them. It's nothing to worry about but some MOT testers who are not too familiar with Citroens see it as a possible fail. Before taking my last C5 for test, I always raised the suspension and gave them a wipe first.
  14. Hello Des. I half expected you to say 2008. There's been several reports of leaking steering racks on that year. Also the failing fuse box is another weakness. Have a read of this topic; http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/20279-common-problems-rev-872015/ I would think long and hard about getting the dpf removed. For a start it's now illegal to do so, and if you don't tell your insurers about it, you could be charged with driving without insurance since your policy would be void. On a more practical note, on my previous C5 with its 136bhp engine I had the filter removed. It performed well however it was never as good on the MOT smoke test as it was when it had the filter there. The thing is that on cars built after 2008, the smoke result has been lowered so now they are more likely not to achieve a pass level without a filter there. Those two fault codes are related to the particle filter but I'd have thought 64,000 miles was a bit early for it to be dirty.
  15. There shouldn't be a problem providing everything is turning that's supposed to be turning - and the right way of course.
  16. Hello & welcome to the forum. So another leaking steering rack. What year is your X7?
  17. If you don't have a website account to log into, you can't see anything!
  18. You say it's coming from the driver's side. Has the intermediate bearing on the driveshaft been looked at?
  19. It could still be battery voltage. Even before you use the starter the battery has had to power the suspension pump and C5s seem very susceptible to low voltage. My previous C5, after standing for two or three days would sometimes start without any power steering. Allow the engine to put a bit into the battery, then restart and all was well.
  20. On 2004 petrol engines Citroen recommend every 80000 miles or ten years. And they add the usual about doing it earlier if subjected to severe conditions.
  21. According to service.citroen the part number for the turbo fitted to the 90bhp engine is 0375 C8 or the replacement number 0375 E3
  22. Before topping up put the suspension to its lowest setting then top up to the mark. The reservoir is under slight pressure so you may hear it hiss when you remove the cap. Unless you drain the pump, the tank will pressurize itself when the engine is started.
  23. Hello & welcome to the forum. You haven't said weather you have hydraulic suspension or steel springs on your car. Hydraulic versions top up with Total LDS and steel springs use Total Fluide DA. However it seems that both fluids have the same spec, so I would suggest using either. But don't use the usual red coloured steering fluid. Since yours is a 2009 you may not have seen our "Common faults" topic. See it here:- http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/20279-common-problems-rev-2662015/ and read paragraph 25.
  24. Compare these two documents from the Total website - one for Total LDS; the other for Total Fluide DA. As you can see, the specification - PSA S71 2710 is the same for both. http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i53/Johndug/Total%20DA_zps8bnyj0as.jpg[/url] http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i53/Johndug/Total%20LDS_zpsvzi33vm5.jpg[/url]
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