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Everything posted by terryrmills

  1. Sorry for the multiple posts, but the system told me that the post had not worked. :D
  2. My personal experience with Citreon leaves a lot to be desired on a C5 I bought from new: * Rear Brakes squeal admitted by Citron but refuse to deal with it, as “it does not affect braking performance”. Ask my neighbours, check my eardrums! * Incompatible roof rack equipment supplied. * Poor recording of service details that potentially affect guarantee. I would like to know how many other Citroen users have been treated in an arrogant, high handed, and potentially negligent way. I have constructed a Website to co-ordinate responses in order to bring public awareness to this situation of poor service. Citron senior management need to know how their customers feel – not just the stymied view filtered to them by their “Customer Service” Department. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have created a Group http://groups.msn.com/Citroenusers/ and an associated website www.citroenbrakesqueal.com/ to bring together Citroen users who feel that they have been let down by poor service from Citroen dealers. I want to hear of your poor experiences at the hands of Citroen! This whole activity is as the result of an inability to get a message past the impenetrable “Customer Service” Department at Slough. http://www.citroenbrakesqueal.com/citlog1.jpg
  3. My personal experience with Citreon leaves a lot to be desired on a C5 I bought from new: * Rear Brakes squeal admitted by Citron but refuse to deal with it, as “it does not affect braking performance”. Ask my neighbours, check my eardrums! * Incompatible roof rack equipment supplied. * Poor recording of service details that potentially affect guarantee. I would like to know how many other Citroen users have been treated in an arrogant, high handed, and potentially negligent way. I have constructed a Website to co-ordinate responses in order to bring public awareness to this situation of poor service. Citron senior management need to know how their customers feel – not just the stymied view filtered to them by their “Customer Service” Department. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have created a Group http://groups.msn.com/Citroenusers/ and an associated website www.citroenbrakesqueal.com/ to bring together Citroen users who feel that they have been let down by poor service from Citroen dealers. I want to hear of your poor experiences at the hands of Citroen! This whole activity is as the result of an inability to get a message past the impenetrable “Customer Service” Department at Slough. http://www.citroenbrakesqueal.com/citlog1.jpg
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