hi guys. 2004 HDi Citroen C5 Diesel Auto Estate LX. Previous to today, putting key into ignition, turn on power but not engine, all the dash lamps come on running through checks, then would extinguish including the red STOP light which would also go out then I would then turn on engine. I figured this was like a 'wait a second dont turn on yet' as there is no diesel coils lamp on my c5. After a service today, STOP light, Engine management light and Service light now remain lit until engine is turned on where upon they go out and stay out. I pointed this out to tyhe mechanic who didnt know anything about it 'going out before turning engine on' as described above. He said he'd try checking with Citroen as will I but thought Id ask here too. He also performed the manual service spanner lamp procedure which extinguished that but the STOP, EM and Service lights still stay on until engine turned on. Is it a problem? Didnt notice any problem driving home but want to check! EDIT: Just tried car now after its sat for a good hour and cooled down and STOP light now going out before turning engine on - its like there's a servo motor going for a 5 seconds which makes me think its the suspension adjusting? doesnt explain why it wasnt going out earlier however!