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Everything posted by Norlander

  1. At that price, probably a quote for the whole (used) lamp unit.
  2. 2002 SX with the 2.2 engine; automatic. Re-mapped, with DPF removal. Still not reached 55,000 miles. At present running on Goodyear Ultragrip 8 tyres, will switch to (new) Michelin Energy Savers for summer.
  3. :unsure: Ah yes ... after a sheared-off front stub axle (metal looked suspect) on a 4 year old Polo in the 1990s, and VW (UK hq) responding with "what do you expect on a car of that age?" and not interested in seeing the bits ... errr ... well, not sudden loss of brakes and steering, especially as just a day before the breakage it was zipping along West Highland roads with lots of bends and potentially interesting long drops off the side into the sea.... I'd still consider buying a Skoda, though.
  4. If the window doesn't work but is securely closed, will it remain like that and not cause any bother?
  5. Ah, sorted out in my mind now .... that ghastly robo-fem happened to be numerically nagging just as numbers showed up on the car's own displays, which gave an impression that the two things were synched. All else became clouded in red mist thanks to having read this.... From Traffic Master's own website.... and.... http://boards.fool.co.uk/road-pricing-back-on-the-agenda-11926328.aspx?sort=postdate No doubt in due course the presently ruling NeoCon franchise will proceed in the same direction as the previous franchisees .... but afaicr, even the "1984" scenario by Orwell didn't predict the surveilled putting themselves under tracking by subscription!
  6. If the wretched thing hiding behind the glovebox with its repetitive :angry: "subscribe" nag-messages <_< was to be chucked out, could anything else such as a satnav fit in its place, use the car's multifunction screen location (would it mean fitting a full-colour different screen off a scrapped C5, but would that then also still give car, time etc. readouts like the present display does?) and the presently TM control button that's over to the right of the steering column? Or is the best outcome that's viable be just to have got shot of the stazi-tracker nag box, which would itself be an ok result anyway?
  7. If only Bedford wasn't so far south...... So far, Ecu-Flash (Doncaster/Sheffield) seem to be the most promising from this end of the country. Anyone had work done there? (ecuflash.co.uk)
  8. I'm new here as well, and was going to ask about the same thing..... Ours, bought last week, is a low-mileage 2002 C5 2.2Hdi SX automatic Estate. We're in Cumbria and wife collected it from near London, so her first real drive in it was quite a long one -- and she really, really likes our "new" motor. (was missing a Xantia 1.9TD estate that demised a couple of years ago; we still run a ZX td) The C5's particle filter and eolys fluid will soon have to get seen to.... Are there any complications with filter removal plus re-mapping because of it being an auto gearbox? And any recommendations of best company to get the removal and re-map work done by?
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