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  1. Hi I managed to split the box from the block by putting some bars between the bell housing and block using brut force to remove it, you need to more or less snap the thrust bearing or pressure plate prongs. Clutch plate is in but the only thing I'm stuck with at the moment is to fit the new thrust bearing, does the fork shaft need to come out ( hydraulic clutch type) if so it's bloody hard and appears stuck, any ideas?? I also noticed when you tighten the pressure plate to the flywheel the pressure plate prongs push outward towards you!! Is that correct never done the pull type clutch before? Re Rich
  2. yep done that, the shaft is out, any tips on breaking the clutch housing from the engine block
  3. Its the 110bhp, ive managed to remove most of the stuff off the engine area ready to break the box from the block, however, im finding it hard to split the longest drive shaft ( drivers side) from the diff. Ive slackened the two small bolts where the centre bearing is and two other bolts nearer to the diff, but it still wont budge, any ideas?
  4. Yes that's with the engine running, just thought that sometimes members put a step by step guide with pics on how to change the clutch, any common problems or tips etc
  5. Hi My son in law had a problem with his clutch, he has a c5 2002 2.0hdi 110. He towed a friends car bmw 120d for around 35miles, nearer to our destination I could smell clutch burning, and it started slipping. however, he let it cool down for a few hours and it worked ok. He then phoned me the other day to say that he can put the car in any gear and the car will not move even with the clutch pedal up. I took the plastic cap near to the clutch cylinder I can see the clutch bearing pulling on the plate, but the car still wont move in gear. Does this model have the DMF, how difficult is it to change the clutch on these cars, the nearest French clutch I have changed was on a Peugeot 206. I haven't looked at it properly yet, but does the clutch cylinder come off easy, and are there any diagrams on here that show how to remove the gearbox and clutch? re rich
  6. Hi my 2003 hdi exclusive has been in a citroen specialists for 12 months!! and at last the problem may come to light. Initially i had a starting problem and would run for approx 5 secs before cutting out, i chnaged the pump, changed filters flushed system out, but it still wouldnt start. the garage has gone through a rigid diagnostic and has stated that there is a pulse going from the ecu ( which was changed along with the bsi and recoded). they have now bought 4 recon inj for around £900 ( expensive i thought) and have said that there is fuel coming out of the injectors ( tested outsdie of the engine) but they are not spraying as much as they should be, just to ensure it wasnt the recon injectors he had them tested locally and they confirmed they are working fine. So im a bit stumped as to what this problem could be, has anyone had this type of problem where the injectors pulse but doesnt seem to give enough for the injectors to provide enough fuel, im sure he mentioned before that it pulses for a short while then goes off. re rich
  7. Hi i am just in the process of putting in new injectors into my C3. They all slide in quite neatly into the cylinder, only thing i find is that the large mushroom type top washer doesnt seem to go right down to the rubber on the top of the head? is it suppose to or is the pressure from clamping the injector down seals the copper washer to the head and this is what causes the seal. If this is the case i dont know why they have put a rubber at the top of the sleeve where the injector slides down to, any views??
  8. Hi Has anyone got links for a view of the hdi 16v 1.4 engine? I currently have just replaced the fuel pump, but there are two small cylinder type parts that bolt onto the rear of the fuel pump. And on each part there are two black small diameter hose pipes from each one, but they have popped out whilst fighting to remove and put new pump back in, im not sure as to which one goes where, any ideas or help, otherwise it may take some time before i finish it re rich
  9. just dropped the tank into local radiator specialists, they been around for years. Gona leave it overnight with chemicals then flush it out to be sure, paying for almost new injectors and fuel pump to have it clogged up again just for the sake of around £40. The tank was a mare to get out, you need to raise the car quite high, take the rear n/s wheel off and remove plastic splashguard, exhaust needs to come out undo fuelfiller cap and screws then its a matter of twisitng and turning and it does come off. Once i get it back on its the timing belt change next
  10. Yes they must be metal but look brass coloured, im trying to get the tank off, does it come off with the long nozzle bit attached to the fuel cap, looks awkward. I just bought nearly new injectors for £330 so a good price, fuel pump for £150 but before i buy im looking to price to refurb mine depending again on price.New timing belt kit with water pump so im going to be busy for the next week depending on weather. Anyone knows the best way to clean out the fuel tank of metal bits, just flush with water or use something else re rich
  11. Hi i just had my c3 hdi 03 reg injectors checked and guess what, two are dribbling out fuel whilst the other two are totally blocked, hence why it doesnt start properly. i spoke to a diesel expert and he has said to check the fuel tank under the seat and if you can see shiny bits in the fuel that means your high pressure fuel pump is probably worn. As i guessed there are brassy bits covering the bottom tank, so i have used a magnetic tip to get a out and drained most of the fuel before taking the tank out tomorrow. The car has done 83,000m, wouldnt i have debris at the bottom after that sort of mileage? new injectors are going to cost a packet, if i replace the pump i just as well change the belt and water pump. i was thinking of adding another filter in the fuel line and attach a magnet to the fuel sender plastic surround so it catches all the metal bits, has anyone experienced the brass bits in the tank and what did you do? re rich
  12. thanks, i have checked all the fuel flows and all appears to be flowing nicely from the pump through to the inlet feeds to the injectors. I put a new battery on becasue the old one was losing charge fast, the engine is trying to start it sort of chugs for 4 to 5 seconds then dies off. I will try checking the glow plugs first with a multimeter, i have also been told to check the crankshaft sensor, would this stop it from starting? I did run a multimeter to two of the injectors plugs which gave a reading of 2.5v on both, not sure if this is right but if both are the same then im presuming its ok. However, if i take out the injectors one by one leave the power to it and crank the engine over should i be able to see the flow of fuel coming out,from this i can eliminate the bad ones.
  13. Hi I am new to the forum so hi to everyone, i bought a c3 1.4 hdi 16v 2003 model, it came with a fault which doesnt start. Symptoms were as it went up a hill it started holding back after 2,000 rpm, it then went to citroen and they diagnosed two codes P1206 and P1163.The advised to run a seperate fuel supply to the engine to check if the fuel pump pressure was defective, but this was costly. The previous owner had two mobile mechanics to try and sort the problem out by setting up an independant fuel supply but they said the fuel appears to be coming out ok but the car now wont start. The maf sensor has been changed, but i believe the battery is not that good so im going to change that tomorrow. I saw a topic on resetting the ecu by removing live on battery then reconnect, side lights on etc. But the only problem i have is that when i try to put the key back into the ignition the key wont turn unless i click the central locking on and off, open the door and presto the key turns, but by then the system of reset is gone. I have followed the fuel lines for inlet and return,but because im new to citroens im trying to work out the fuel direction and return, im sure the code P1163 relates to fuel pressure. I opened the injectors and diesel does dribble out but very slowly. Is it suppose to be like this? the eco mode is on and the battery light flashing. I have checked other sites where people have had same problems but no one has updated to say what the problem was and did they fix it. any help much appreciated
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