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Everything posted by qman3428

  1. New regulations for the MOT due in a couple of years will require that any car which had tyre sensors as new must have them and they must work. Perhaps something to bear in mind for the future.
  2. Order a replacement from your main dealer, he should be able to determine which one from your registration details. If you have damaged nuts then:- You drill a small hole alongside the stud and then split the nut with a chistle, if needed you can repeat this until it comes off. New, better designed locking nuts, are available on ebay.
  3. Mine is a 2009 with 110000 miles on the clock, change the fuel filter regularly, and keep to the oil schedule. I have had no major engine issues and apart from a replacement fuse box in the engine bay (under warranty) the gearbox has been faultless. So really I cant answer your qiestion because it has not gone wrong yet!
  4. My 2009 2.0 hdi also developed a gear change issue, though in my case it was, here's third, you dont get anything else. The main dealer was fully aware of the issue and changed the engine fuse box (under warranty when it happened). The problem was cured instantly and has not come back.
  5. You dont say which engine it is but fuel filters need to be changed regularly (every 20,000 miles) and can cause the light and the stuttering.
  6. Check the battery is fully charged otherwise you will get random faults, allso there was an issue with a small crack in the engine fuse box which caused gearbox issues, again worth looking for as it ties in with only getting 3rd.
  7. Yes that is right and if you look on youtube there are excellent videos showing you step by step
  8. The Tacho could be dirty points, try replacing them.
  9. With the engine running but not hot put a mix of water and fairy liquid round the seal areas, if it blows bubbles the seal has gone
  10. The software can be made to run without XP by using an emulator, free from www.download.com I am running the PSA software on Vista without issues.
  11. In any case at 100k the 2.0 HDI needs a cam belt change, had mine done on a 2009 model, included tensioners pulleys and water pump, main dealer price £450, at that mileage other money pits will be the Eloys fluid and DPF filter if not already done. I had mine removed (another £400)
  12. I tried the solution proposed by Pembr0ke, you dont need a lexia, just follow the instructions
  13. When was the fuel filter last changed? should be every 30k minimum, I need to do it every 20k because I use supermarket fuel. This is particular to the two fuel faults as it would cause them, the others I agree are sympathetic fauls caused by the main fault, also try a BSI reset.
  14. They would only operate every 10th time the washers are used, ther is only one resevoir for all the washers but unless it came as a specified option it is unlikely the VTR has headlight washers.
  15. St. Helens CitroenCanal St, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 3JG Or if you want to go up towards Leyland Rigbys at Eccleston or BCC at Blackburn, I believe there is also a BCC at Warrington
  16. J & A Rigbye & Sons 98, Towngate, Eccleston, Chorley , PR7 5QS I have used them for years, 5 star service and excellent advice
  17. The official line is :- "The latest commission directive, 2010/48/EU, states that from January 2012, any vehicle originally fitted with TPMS will have to have it fully operable in order to pass the annual MOThttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png test. This will then mean that even one faulty sensor will be enough to score a 'fail'." However if it is turned off and all the valves are the normal type it would be difficult for a garage to determine if it was originally fitted with TPMS or not
  18. John is correct, they can be turned on and off by a lexia plugged in to the diagnostic socket. The sensors are £80 each so if one has been giving problems the previous owner probably just got them turned off as it is cheaper than replacing them
  19. The Mass Air Sensor you have unplugged should have two wires inside the air intake, if they are broken you need a replacement. If they look OK clean them with a cotton bud and some spirits, be careful they are delicate. Reconnect the plug, change the airfilter, also check the drain on the airfilter box as the water should have drained out. You should find the light goes out, if not turn it off and restart the engine 5 times, if it is still on the chances are you need a new MAS
  20. Try cleaning the MAF before replacing it use a good degreaser and a cotton bud but be careful not to break the wires. Had a similar issue on mine but it turned out that it needed a new fuel filter, disabling the Maf caused the engine to demand less fuel, hence the improvement, but after a time it got worse as the filter blocked. New filter, reconnect the MAF, job done.
  21. Just a quick comment, when the main dealer fitted mine he experienced problems with some of the clip retainers, rather than spending lots of time (and my money) trying to replace them he used tie wraps.
  22. Details of recalls are here http://www.theaa.com/allaboutcars/recalls/recalls.jsp?modelID=C5&modelName=C5&makeName=Citroen&makeId=A7
  23. With the web site, you will need to submit it to search engines and before it shows up anywhere near where it will be found it will take months of effort. You also need to be very careful about what you say or they could sue. It is often easy for them to get the IP to take the site down as offensive and the IP doesnt want a legal battle. I would suggest trading standards as a better approach.
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