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  1. Dunno, but this website will tell you where it's cheapest www.prix-carburants.gouv.fr
  2. Sounds like the Comms 2000 unit to me - had 2 replaced on my old 53 reg Berlingo
  3. Yes sounds like the Comms 2000 unit - needed ours replaced on our old Berlingo when the front wipers would come on when the rear wiper was switched on, both screen washers would come on when the rear wiper was activated etc etc
  4. Happened to us going up the San Bernardino pass in the Alps last week with a fully loaded boot - luckily we had just negotiated a tight hairpin and were accelerating away when it happened otherwise visions of baggage disappearing over the edge of the mountain. Not sure if we had closed it fully - heavily laden bags were pressing against the back door when we cloased it. Been checking it's fully closed since though.
  5. ..... sigh...... :P
  6. You miss the point Iannez - Yes a lock is available at £130 + for fitting - should be fitted as standard by Citroen. However whole advantage of a spare underneath is not having to empty boot to change wheel when boot is full in pissing rain - with lock will have to. Bloody Bluewater should have much better security "Scally's" on the streets.... hmmmm.... how about social justice in this country, might possibly be effective? Or perhaps a criminal justice system based on "truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth" rather than merely what the prosecution can prove ie an inquisatorial rather than adversarial system of justice.... Ooops politics....better shut up now....
  7. Succumbed again - as those who have read my warning re Bluewater shopping centre on the general forum above will see.
  8. Not ignoring you - but don't have any answers,
  9. Just succumbed - noticed it had gone last night when I eventually got fed up with the annoying rattle coming from the rear. Apparently they deflated the wheel, and this gives enough play in the cage for it to be lifted off the hook. Either that or they simply bent the hook with pliers my dealer informed me.
  10. Look on Auto Trader online - wide range on there when I had to research values for our written off 53 reg earlier in the year.
  11. Wave as you go through Dover Taking ours to Italy in August.
  12. I had a fault on our old 53 reg with the stalks similar to yours - it was actually a fault with the electronic control system (Comms 2000 unit) not the stalk.
  13. Hi Julie, I see from another post you're in Sunderland - another makkem on here at last! Was born and bred there, before eventually moving here down south. Parents still live there though.
  14. Trying to agree on the write off value for our 1.6 petrol was difficult too. We had 53 reg 1.6 petrol Desire with air con and safety pack too, but high mileage with 60,000 on the clock. Looking on autotrader I couldn't find identical spec but it was clear that we couldn't have sourced any similar replacement for less than 5900 Initial offer from the insurance company was only 5100, but after a brief discussion they upped that to 5797 - rather strange figure I thought - which we accepted.
  15. There are 2 versions of the 1.6 diesel, 75 hp and 92 hp - we have the latter. Noisewise, it's fine so far, no real difference to the petro,l version as far as I'm concerned. Performance is fine, acceleration in first gear seems quicker to be honest. Trip computer is showing average mpg at 42.8 at the moment, and rising slwoly - but it's all town driving no longer runs yet. Deals - there is the usual cash back offer, which always seems to be threatening to come to an end at the end of the particular month you enquire, and also the free in car DVD system at the moment.
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