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Aunty Polly

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  1. Aunty Polly by name Anti Pollu by nature! Like many I have the dreaded ESP/ASR Anti Pollution fault on my 01 C5 2.0 HPi. I've only owned it 5 months and am wondering after reading all the feedback here and elsewhere whether I've bought a Citroen White Elephant Estate! Anti Pollution displays along with engine light and service warnings followed quickly by ESP/ASR message. Engine cuts straight away absolutely no torque at all, doesn't even limp! Like others it scared me witless first time but now fast fingers and a bump start mid drive keeps me out of trouble but I won't let anyone else drive it because of the inherent dangers. Has anyone seen any common denominator in the fixes yet. e.g. Changing a partcular sensor Can't we somehow gang up on Citroen? Surely they have a duty of care to us as owners. When a product becomes dangerous surely they have some kind of legal obligation, even if it's only to publish the cure to dealers so they can get the benefits of the service charges? Come on gang! How can we make this snowball?? Yours shakily and bump startedly Aunty polly
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