I have a 1999 (T-reg, pre-facelift) Citroen Xsara HDi (not a Picasso) and both of the dipped headlights stopped working yesterday. The sidelights, main beams and front foglights still work. All of the rear lights still work, as do the indicators. When I turn the lights on, the headlight indicator lamp still lights up on the dashboard, as do the sidelights (which tells me that the light switch on the indicator stalk still works properly). I do not believe the bulbs have gone - why would they both go at the same time? And why just the dipped beam? I have checked all of the fuses inside the cabin (under the dash, by the steering wheel) and under the bonnet, and all are fine. Does anybody know what the problem might be and how to fix it? Could it be a relay, and if so where are they located? The handbook doesn't say (it only tells you about the fuses), and I don't have a Haynes manual. If it is a relay, how much is a new one? Thanks for your help.