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Everything posted by Stuey

  1. gutted mate!! I am sorry for you mine was very nearly wrote off when the woman ran into the back of it a few months ago so I know what it feels like...you gonna get another one??
  2. when did that happen?? u didnt mention anything!!
  3. well then chaps I have ordered my tickets...we may get frowned upon but I think that should be day 2 of the C4 meet at donnington.. Manchester Saturday for bowling, cinema and food, stay over night get a bit tipsy then blast down to Donnington in convoy for day 2!! any takers??
  4. I think he has an "understanding" with the local constabulary...or he pays them off everytime he gets pulled over
  5. why look at reviews when we have people on here that have had the cars for a while and have lived with them as opposed to a journo who has had the car for a day. most of the owners have nothing majorly bad to say about them. I had one for a couple of days. it is quick and very refined. If you are like me and enjoy destroying other cars off the line you will like the VTS. and as with all C4's you will get constant attention from passers by...
  6. either for me really...whats happening at Donnington??
  7. we have had that discussion on more than one occasion!! I am sure we deducted that they are illegal, but welsh being the rebel he is tells the fuzz where to go!!
  8. either or :rolleyes: it does have some really thick clearcoat on it...and probably a couple of coats of high gloss wax...
  9. I have seen that picture of welsh's car a few times and the parking still makes me laugh!! good job dude :rolleyes: been drinking heavily that morning??
  10. its a show car so it will have been resprayed.
  11. I suppose the C4 is as popular in france as the focus is over here...but spain?? that makes no sense!!
  12. glad you had a good time mate!! we have had an influx of new members, who are very active which is good to see, other than that not a deal really...
  13. surely the english and french cars should have the same lights so if "Le rozzer" wants to pull you over for your lights he should be pulling the french C4's over too?? same goes for reno's and pugs surely...all the kit is the same the steering wheel is just on the otherside...
  14. yep that was mine too B) I was going to have spray of WD40 but if you look there is nothing to spray it onto...
  15. never heard of that to be honest mate, my clutch pedal squeks every now and again but you cant noramally hear it for music...
  16. Stuey


    sorry for the thread necromancy but... a couple of nights ago I was being follwed by a grey VTS on the A453 in notts. You waved but I was too busy trying not to hit the car infront to wave back. So consider yourself waved back at!!
  17. I dont know all this techno wizzbangery and its still easier to pull the dipstick (again not mat, pulling mat would be a bad idea B) ) and check it manually...
  18. hehe thats a good un mate B)
  19. I had a look at the site...no-one should visit it ever again!! we should all stay here until we get our acts together and sort out our own site...
  20. I think the dipstick is behind the wheel in mat's car :P sorry mate couldnt resist it... I haveny checked mine is ages, will have to do it when I get home...I didnt check my tyre pressures until the other day, over a year after picking the car up B) now that I have blown them up again it handles like a go kart like it should!!
  21. mine is the same as Mats, Oriental Blue but with the spoiler...everyones is the best colour is the their eyes...I saw a grey one the other night and it looked stunning!!
  22. works for me...
  23. 17 and 18" rims are a marketing mans friend...its amazing that people will be tempted by a car just for the size of the wheels... Seat are famous for fitting massive alloys, the new leon is on 18's on certain models and they are bigging up the fact that they are bigger than the ones fitted to Jason Plato's touring car...
  24. when I go through a set of potholes on the way to work I get some shake through the steering wheel...I assume you have low profiles on?? I cant imagine that bigger wheels and stiffer suspension help to be honest... When I blew my tires up properly the other day that randomly helped. Logic dictates that harder tires should make it worse but the opposite happened.
  25. that is exactly what the garage told me to do...if you have something wrong then SHOW them...
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