Hi , yesterday morning driveing to essex from north wales in heavy rain, I managed to drive through some flood water, probally shouldnt have but was under pressure to get south due to a family member in hospital. Anyway got through the small flood with some coughing and spluttering, some blue smoke, alot of cursing and kicking myself. Soon cleared up and I carried on doing another 140 miles but with the acceleration being not quite what it was before the flood. Car seems to be running fine apart from the acceleration, its as if the timeings out, apply light pressure on the pedal and it will go ok, soon as I put the pedal to the floor, nothing happens or very little response, the car is still useable but I've obviously done some damage, today the yellow engine warning light came on but as I dont have a manual handy, have no idea what it represents, got to travel back to north wales tomorrow, not sure if its going to make it or not, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated , thank you