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Everything posted by 1justin

  1. Thanks for your patience Paul. I'll use 25NM, and the update to the spanner sounds easy.. Rgds
  2. I'm beginning to loose the will to live with this. After several emails and resurrecting a twelve year old PC (because the Citroen workshop manuals will only install on 32 bit system). Then some more messing about with win7 system files, a TWELVE HOUR installation got the Citroen database working. I can search my vehicle with VIS number.. but that's where things become less good. This immense and incredibly slow database works and I can pull up diagrams and docs for lots of procedures for any car. Can I find out a basic procedure (and any "Gotcha's" just for an oil change?) NO! - Every search term in the book "oil", "change", "replace" "engine oil".. Nothing. Maybe I'll just go for it, but since a "procedure" (if it existed) might presumably set-out torques on that oil unusual filter holder, about re-setting ECU to get rid of the spanner.. etc, I'll remain in the dark. So hopefully it really must be as simple as it ought to be (and normally is) on any other car I've owned. Come back Haynes!
  3. Thanks, I'm trying to follow this up now. Rgds
  4. Hi Paul. Well I do have the installation code (I covered it myself when I posted this as it is public). - It's 8 digit capital letters, and came filled in when I ran the disc installation. When I "click here to obtain your key" (first picture), is when it pops up the next screen where it asks for user name and password. - That's the bit I don't have, but I have sent enquiry also back to the supplier and so hopefully they'll come up with it. Rgds
  5. Bump.. Well I bought generic Citroen "manual" on-line and it is 3 CD's. Took 3 weeks to arrive and now I need to install it. It's very dealership orientated. As far as I can make out, it's both a system to access live on-line Citroen servers for data and/or create a local back-up for all Citroen data which it downloads. Instruction advises this is 4 hour installation requiring 11 GB space. So.. Notwithstanding the enormous unnecessary data overhead (I only want some basic service info for my little Berlingo..), I have got to a page which provides an "Installation code" and requires a key. "click here to obtain your key" I then get asked for a log-in which I guess is available only to Citroen dealerships.. This is ridiculous. How can they make it so difficult to get info about my vehicle? So what do I do next? This is Citroen Owners club..surely someone has used Berlingo service manuals? I post a couple of screen shots : http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2863/11477844924_33029e1bb5_z.jpg http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2830/11477969113_9968e81e6a.jpg
  6. Thanks Paul. The French manuals, much like Haynes don't seem to cover 2008 onwards (new model). I just found the "Service box" (data does say 32 bit..) and I also dug an old laptop out which is 32 bit so should be able to read the disks. Think I'll order a set of those and see how I get on, Rgds
  7. Hi. I just registered here because today I bought a 2010 Berlingo HDI van for my business. Just thought I'd routinely buy the service manual (as I always have done since 1980..) . Turns out there isn't one from Haynes, and I have scoured the web and come up blank. I normally always do basic stuff, fluids, oil, brakes etc. I have found doubtful so-called "Free Downloads" from dodgy looking server websites which want to install.exe files and take my credit card details - no thanks. I have also found on Ebay a disc at £9.99 (doubtless a rip-off..) which claims to be manual for the B9, but runs only on 32 bit computers (not 64 bit). So again no good. Is it really true that I'm denied the knowledge to even do basic stuff like oil/fluids/brakes? First car EVER where I haven't had a manual. I could wing-it, but with these modern engines I'm a bit doubtful because of re-setting sensors, and generally getting it right. I don't even know where to find jacking points..
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