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Everything posted by mickrochip

  1. thanks to all for your advice, problems now fixed,bad connection at motor, all fixed now and going well
  2. thanks for the info .can you please tell me where the blower motor is so that i can take it out to check connections, i think that i have either abroken wire or a burned connection to motor , as when i waggle wires in passengers side the motor starts to work , also can you please tell me how to register on service.citroen. com
  3. thanks for your reply, i have also com to that conclusion that the fan motor might need replacing,do i need to take the dash out to get at the motor an resistor , i have looked at the drivers side of the console bu can not find the heater resistor. does any body have pictures of this location please
  4. hello there i just wanted to let you know that the heater fan started to work again this evening, it works on all speeds,i've had the air con. checked, fuses checked, everything o.k, maybe this idea is away off , but could the outside temp. have anything to do with it. today was quite mild, and the day it stopped working was quite cold and icy, as i say maybe a wild idea but may be possible , thanks for now
  5. just checked fuses all ok, could it be the heater resistor, by the way , where is the resistor situated
  6. thanks for you quick reply, will check fuse(s) tomorrow, but may be i have another problem, in that the fan symbol on the multifunction screen still works,this also happened a few weeks ago,but when car stalled and got jolt from starting when moving the heater fan came on again any ideas please
  7. thanks to all who replied to my query, after fitting battery, checking alternator output, every thing is now all right
  8. hello there. just to let you know i had something similar happening to my car, i tried every thing even taking it to a main dealer for a lexia test which highlighted an abs ecu problem, which at£1300 + to fit a new one , i changed the battery and i have had no problems since see my post in technical esp/asr problems hope this helps you
  9. hello there can any one please tell me where the fuse for heater motor is,when i turned my fan control up to full speed yesterday the motor cut out completely, it also did this a few weeks ago, but came on again when it got a jolt. could this be a bad connection , broken wire or a dud fan motor thanks for all your help
  10. hello there back again with this problem, but now it is an intermittent problem, the car will go for days without any problems ,or warning lights then it comes back, for a few days could it be dirty connections, a faulty comms unit, as i say all lights , warnings stoppd after i put in new battery, as this is now an intermittent fault it is one of the hardest to find,i have had the battery tested again , but the voltage shown is above 12.7v, any thoughts please
  11. hello there back again, I was wondering where or what is the rpo number on my 54 plate,2.0 hdi 16v c5
  12. a big thanks to everyone who replied to my query,yesterday i fitted a new battery, and all problems and lights disappeared, the esp/asr system faulty, directional headlamps system faulty was gone, now ma car appears to be all right.by the way i got my old battery tested, after about 10 mins. driving it was showing about 12.5 volts, please tell any one else if random lights and warnings come on the first thing to check is the battery again a big thank you to every body , iwill be back if i have any more problems.or for advice on the c5
  13. sorry just to add the other system i have, i could not load on my computer as it has not got the right operating system, it requires either xp 32 bitor windows 7 ultimate, i no longer have any xp systems and the only windows 7 is home premium, so have the cables and software for sale. please remove this if it is the wrong place or goes against the rules of the forum
  14. hello there thanks for all your help in this matter, I have now bought a complete system , computer already loaded, all cables , but no documentation as to how to work it , if anyone can give me a master class as to the workings of this system it will be greatly appreciated. thanks for now
  15. thanks , will try new battery today
  16. hello there, this is a follow up to my query , last evening when i was driving home from the local town every light /warning came on on the dash , the service light came on ,also the stop warning light, i stopped car and turned off engine,after afew minutes i tried to start car again, ignition would turn on bu not start, display on dash wouldn't light up, temp gauge wouldn't work plus a few other , tried to push start , no go, as a last resort did a bsi reset after which the car started and drove home car started this morning but now the power steering warning comes on at random times , but no difference to steering, can anyone help me fathom these problems out or is my time done with this car I would hate to have to get another car,because i do not like the new shape, c5 x7. please any help would be appreciated thanks for now
  17. thanks for your quick reply, my car does have hydractive suspension, are these two fluids compatible with each other.
  18. hello there I was wondering if any one can help me, please, the problem is this , I get a warning on the display that power steering system faulty, it happens at different times, the warning just comes on then goes off again, no problems with steering. does this car 54 plate 2.0 hdi (NEW SHAPE) use the same fluid as the suspension, i can only /see the rad bottle, and the suspension bottle. what type of fluid does this car take, another thing my car was very hard to start today, i was wondering if the battery was not holding its voltage, and would this play havoc with the warning system thanks for now
  19. hello there, i am from northern ireland also, I have a few places that i get my spares from, if you pm me i let you know the breakers that i use thanks for now
  20. I have now got alexia 3 system but at minute need to get it loaded on to my computer will let you know when i get it going
  21. thanks for all the help lads, after diagnostic check , found rear sensors were at fault. water ingress was the problem.changed the four i had in a spare front bumper to the rear, every thing looks o.k at the minute so thanks again for your wealth of knowledge and experince
  22. Thanks Paul.h, can you please let me know the part no.s for this unit for a 2.0 hdi, vtr on a 54 plate, ican get a unit from a local breaker, also will the car need to be put on the computer to accept new unit . by the way do you know any body that would recondition this old unit p.s if you need the reg.no please let me know
  23. JUST to update you, esp/asr lights came on again this morning, i just have one question now, are all c5 asb ecu's the same or will i have to get one from a 54 2.0 hdi VTR
  24. thanks for the info, but here is a wobbler for you, the diagnosctic check states that it is an internal fault in the ecu, this afternoon after using my trailer, the faults have all disappeared, how or why, I don't know what happened , there seemed to be a pop from the exhaust, and after that it cleared the faults. i will keep you informed as to what happens in future
  25. hello there, just got my car diagnosed at Donnelley group, enniskillen esp /asr system faulty, directional lights faulty, they say it is all connected to an abs ecu internal fault,it is not worth it to replace it with a new one at £1300.00 would it be possible to get a second hand unit, and if so would it need to be put on the computer to initilise the unit
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