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  1. no i have not tried anything yet i was baffled to start off with then i was going somewhere where i would of had children in the car so i was very concerned that the brake failure alarm was dangerous that i stopped using the car then someone told me they had the same problem on another car and it was something simple but the garage charged him hundreds to tell him nothing was wrong so as of yet i have had nothing done to the car i was hoping someone might tell me they had the same problem and what they done to solve it
  2. i have a 2005 2.0 diesel HDI 16v exclusive 5 door estate over the last month i have had 2 problems turn up sometimes they both happen together but they happen with no pattern 1/ when i turn the key to start the car i get an audio alarm followed by approx a 3 second visual alarm on the dash telling me BRAKING FAILURE it then goes out and the brakes operate normal during the cars journey with no further alarm concerning the brakes until the car is started again but i will stress that it only happens about 4 times out of 20 starts of the car 2/ when i turn the key to start the car the hazard warning lights come on automatically and an audio alarm goes off for about 3 seconds then the alarm goes off but the hazard lights stay on once turned off they no longer come back on till turned on manually has anyone had any of these problems and if so how did you cure it or would you say that because one of the problems tell me a brake failure the car is dangerous to drive even though everything drives normal i would be grateful for any feedback
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