Well it happened yesterday again but it's probably not the battery. Car had been standing at work fo 8 hours, when I got out it started fine but the idle was a teeny weeny rough. Reversed out of the parking spot and drove of, got about 10 meters and the MIL came on and car went back to idle. When pressing the accelerator nothing happens, it just keeps idling or maybe it went up 50-100 rpm. I forgot to check the temp sensors but will do today, have checked the throttlebody plate but it was nice and clean so no stickiness there. Charged the battery over night and this morning I disconnected the charger, disconnected the + cable and checked the voltage which was 12,7v. Left the car standing for an hour or two and checked the voltage again and it was 12,5v. Temperature was and is around zero degrees celcius. Also checked the alternator yesterday evening and was a bit worried at first. On idle with lights on I only got 13,3v, with lights out 14v. Tried this mornig again but reved the car to around 13-1500 rpm and got 14,24v so alternator seems fine to me.