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Everything posted by pau6ee

  1. Hi again well today the car started 1st time fine with no problems. Then drove 3 to 4 miles away to check on the wife's ponies when I got back in the same again nothing by the key I lifted the bonnet had a fiddle with the fuses & also the ones in the glove box with the a single click coming from there I got back in still nothing. After a few times trying & waiting for the click. then I heard a slightly louder click from the glove box area or the fuse box under the bonnet the car started. Will this be a relay or a fuse if so any idea witch one as I don't want to be taking all of them out as I was told it will leave the dash lights on air bag and so on to have it to a garage to reset at a cost any help in witch to check I would be most grateful. Regards Paul.
  2. Thank you once again for replying. I have just got back from the shop that fit the new battery in march this year he checked it and said the alternator was fine but the battery looked too small for the box so fit the right one that fit fine. When I asked if the battery was ok that he took of he just said I didn't check it hard to believe when he had the meter in his hand and said this one is £10 extra 2 years warranty I asked dose that start from today he replied NO from march when I fit the other. So with the key being hit and miss via starting fingers crossed job sorted. And a ( Big Thank You for your help ) as I would never thought of the battery with it being new. Best Regards Paul
  3. Thank you again for your reply. it is not clicking from any were when I put the key in and turn it on the glow plug switch in the glove box just clicks once to turn it off as I was told they do this. And the garage that did the clutch has just got back to me and they checked the starter motor whilst off they said it seemed ok no filings or clogging so ??? Also I was told it might be the BSI computer could this be it as I don't want to change things that I don't need to. I will get the battery checked and get back to you. Regards Paul
  4. Thank you for your reply..... Its a manual There are no noises at all via clicking or any thing from the starter or the engine as this did this last time but the starter was off to do the new clutch I think. So all put back fine I hope. I put the key in the car and it started I drove just round the corner to a friends I was there a matter of minutes as he was not in so I got back in nothing at all when turning the key. all lights coming on. On the dash and going out as they should then nothing at all. We tried jump leads last time still nothing. I can hear one click from the glove box wile waiting for the dash lights to go out but I think that's the heater plug switch nocking off. I am shore my brother-in-law had a new battery fit so im lost. Regards Paul
  5. Hi all Im new to the site so hi to all members. I have C3 2004 1.4 Hdi manual . The problem started a couple of months ago by not starting by the key all the locks work fine so dose all the dash lights come on and go out when the ignition key is turned on but the engine wont turn over so I was bumping it of then some times it started by the key and then not. I was told it was the ( reverse sensor switch ). As the clutch felt a bit high so I had it changed also a new reverse switch at the same time also I had the timing belt done at the same time 102k on the clock as the car as been in the family from new with full service history and was only done again a month ago all with the work above done the car was starting fine then. As I don't put the hand brake on but just leave it in gear as its a flat drive way as I only use it once or twice a week with having a van. Today I unlocked and climbed in all dash lights came on went off as they should but nothing by the key again so I bumped it of once again and drove to the shops and back then it started by the key when I got back home any help would be very grateful as if I go some were and park up and cant get the chance to bump it off I don't no what to do. It was my brother-in-law`s car and was doing this to him before I got it off him. He had it to the garage and they put the computer on it and showed nothing wrong at a £40 cost to tell him this so im lost now. any ideas or help in the right place please. Regards Paul.
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