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Everything posted by Dremark

  1. Hi Is there anyone who can help with a guide on how to replace my rear springs on my C5 Tourer 2.0 from 2012 with MAD springs? My C5 Tourer has normal mechanical suspension and I want to replace them with MAD progressive springs, as I often connect a caravan after my car Regards. Dremark
  2. change rear spring on C5 Tourer
  3. I tried to reset the BSI by following this instruction (from bentasker.co.uk) and it solved the problem. Thank you for your response and happy new year. Gert Dremark Reset the BSI: Citroen C5: BSI Reset Parent Category: Published: Friday, 13 June 2014 01:46 Category: Author: The Body control unit (BSI) on Citroens (and Peugeots) sometimes goes batshit-insane and switches things off for no other apparent reason than it felt like it. A reset is usually enough to resolve, but the steps need to be followed almost exactly, and the car should be thoroughly checked afterwards to make sure everything is working. This documentation details how to perform the reset To perform the reset; Put the drivers window down and lift the bonnet (leave the key in the ignition) Ensure all equipment (stereo etc) is switched off Ensure all doors are closed and reach through the window to remove the key from the ignition Wait 3 minutes Disconnect the battery and then wait 15 seconds Reconnect the battery and wait 10 seconds (Do not open any doors) Switch on the ignition (but don't start the engine) and check that all tests pass Hold the lock button on the key down for 10 seconds Remove the key, open the drivers door, close it and check the central locking works (I had to hold the lock button down for another 10 seconds at this point) Start the engine and complete the systems checkNote: When you put the drivers window up, it won't automatically go all the way up. Make sure you close it all the way before putting it down, otherwise the automatic close won't close it all the way until you next turn the ignition on and off
  4. I have a C5 Tourer 2.0 from 2012. My wipers on the windshield don't stop when the engine is turned off, but keep going. I have tried to disable the electricity circuit by disconnect the negative wire from the battery, but when I'm connecting the wire again, the wiper keep going on. Is there anyone there have a suggestion for a solution? Kind regards and a merry christmas to you all. Gert Dremark
  5. I am a new member and have tried to attach files - more precisely pictures in JPEG format at a size about 25 kb.Everytime I try to attach the picture I get an error message which reads: "Error The server returneres an error during upload".Is there anyone who can tell me what I'm doing wrong? sincerely,Dremark
  6. I have a C5 Tourer 2012, and the plasticparts at the steering wheel is scratched - Are there anyone there can tell me where I can get new one? KInd regards Dremark
  7. I have looked for a Haynes manual, but they only have a manual for C5 up to 2008 models. I come back if I find a solution. Have a nice day and thanks again :-)
  8. Thank you very much for this fine illustration :-) Now I have something there can guide me on my work with the box. You probably should not happen to know, where I can get hold of a repair-manual for C5 Tourer 2.0 163 seduction from 2012?
  9. Thank you for your reply:-) I have tried to remove the radio, but I can only see one screw in the center behind the radio. I have tried to put in a thin blade around the box and there is no fixpoint in the top, but I can feel connection-point in the side and in the bottom, but I don't know how to release them. I have tried to find a repair-manual for C5 2011-> , I haven't succeed - Do you know where I can get a repair-manual?
  10. Yes your right so here is my introduction in english ;-) hey I am a new member from Denmark, so I hope you good people will excuse me if my English is not perfect I just bought a Citroën C5 Tourer 2.0 163hk from 2012. Before this car I have had a BX (Estate) / 1992 Xantia (Hatchback) 1.6 / 1997, and a C5 1.6 Hdi (Hatchback) / 2005. As a new member, I look forward to participating in this Citröen Forum - get some good advice and give some back. I always maintain my own car, but I'm not trained mechanic. Best regards:-) Dremark
  11. I have just bought a C5 Tourer Seduction 2.0 from 2012 and I will replace the box under the radio, with a box there have two cupholders. If there are anyone, there can tell me how can I release the existing box I will look forward too hear from you. I have tried to attached a file so you could see what my problem is, but unfortunately all the time I've got the message "Error The server returned an error during upload". So here you have a link, where you can see a picture of the box I wish to remove - it is picture no. 9/10: http://www.biltorvet.dk/Bil/Forhandler/Citro%C3%ABn/C5/Tourer-2-0-HDI-Seduction-163HK-Stc-6g/691803?utm_source=autouncle_web Best regards Dremark
  12. Hey Jeg er et nyt medlem fra Danmark, så jeg håber du gode folk vil have mig undskyldt, hvis min engelsk ikke perfekt Jeg har lige købt en Citröen C5 Tourer 2.0 163hk fra 2012. Før denne bil jeg har haft en BX (Stationcar) / 1992 en Xantia (Hatchback) 1.6 / 1997 og en C5 1.6 Hdi (Hatchback) / 2005. Som nyt medlem, jeg ser frem til at deltage i denne Citröen-forum - få nogle gode råd og give nogle tilbage. Jeg altid bevare min egen bil, men jeg er ikke uddannet mekaniker. Med venlig hilsen:-) Dremark
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