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  1. hi guys, a rain storm has just passed over where i live, it thundered and rained hard for around an hour, my c5 tourer (09) was outside in it...... an hour after the storm passed ive just been to go out and been met by a anti pollution fault , and brake faillure messages on the dash board and nothing happens when i turn the key, all ignition lights are on but like the battery isnt attached , was working fine before the rains came ....... any ideas guys or are citreons just not cut out for wet weather and implode when it does rain????..... to say im annoyed would be an understatement to be honest.... any help would be most welcome....... thanks
  2. Hi Guys, I've only had my C5 for three months and generally on the whole i love the beast.... but ..... in the mornings,more when it is cold, a few times she has just cut out ..... leave her a couple of minutes and she will start and drive fine again but with the addition of an engine management light on and a message telling me the ainti pollution has a fault and the esp isnt working..... after leaving her at work all day upon starting her to drive home the problem seems to have reset itself and the lights on the dash are off ant the anti pollution seems to be fine as does the esp and a test reveals no faults!! .... i have read on here it could be a multitude of problems but this morning she acted up in a way unlike before ....... she was fine for around a mile then just lost all acceleration...... upon reaching 2000 revs she would just shake like the engine was going to fall out and i just about managed to nurse her to 60 mph on the drive to work.........i had no lights on or warning messages either which foxed me .... first i thought the turbo must have blown?? (im not a mechanic!!!) but just went out to her to try and nurse her home before the traffic gets too bad and......... nothing ... driving like a beaut again?????? thing is how can i get the problem fixed if the problem isnt there when i take it to my mechanic???? any ideas what it could be please folks?????
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