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Everything posted by ghostms

  1. sorry its in spanish, but i guess what you need is aux input so here it is how to do one... please post me if you know a tutorial how to connect usb/mp3 http://citroen.mforos.com/1257918/10835033-instalacion-toma-auxiliar-audio-c5-i/
  2. yes it was done last Wednesday and i had no problems until Saturday, then the light and the anti pollution fault came back and did not disappear the whole weekend. and since yesterday i have no light again and no anti pollution warning. tho i took it to the mechanic anyways and he did the check only to show me all these errors. tomorrow i do this http://citroen.mforos.com/1257918/10589942-brico-anomalia-anticontaminacion/ cleaning the air intake peace, not that i know that it is the problem, but it wont hurt to do it
  3. heater flap motor, problem NOT with motor it self, but the part that it connects to! everyone in the forums was correct as that part wears off with time. If you get similar problem and the mechanics tell you that the motor is broken DO NOT believe them, as everyone said here that those motor rarely go wrong. paul.h posted very good links and i had one in citroen.mforos.com (sorry i was shown it and cant find it where it exactly is), but it had pictures and everything how to fix it. solutions for it is: 1. buy a newer motor with a longer black "star" shaped spindle. easy and least time consuming fix, but the most expensive. 2. get one second hand from a brake yard and take out the spindle and join it with the other one so it become twise longer, not a hard fix took me 20min to modify it. 3. repair the worn hole, i personaly do not advise it cause you have to take out the dashboard which will take a lot of time. i chose the second fix because i have had already bought the second motor thinking that it is not working (mechanic idea), tho i checked it today and it was spinning fine out of the socket, then i put my finger in the socket and it actually fitted in. then i took the other motor apart took the spindle out and tried with it and i could spin and change the position of the flaps manually. so i took that peace apart and left only the end of it. shaped it to fit in the other one and glued it together with the whatever (sorry havent used it for a long time and cant remember the name of it and if tell it in spanish that wont help right...you know the one grey when it hardens becomes like a metal) all that took me around 20min. tools used: hammer to get the peace i needed and kitchen knife to shape it fit in (note...any tools you got at hand maybe better then mine does the job). once shaping was done the peace fitted so well that the glue wasnt really needed and its there only for insurance. cost 10euros for motor. glue i already had. i dont think any tut is needed cause once you have the two peaces in your hands it is very easy to come up with the idea, i didnt use any i jsut was told after that someone did it before me...so creativity i guess... end result might not be pretty but im sure it will do the job: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y174/Ghost_Ridah/2015-05-26_21-05-41_232.jpg another note to get this motor off you got to take the middle panel off, meaning radio, air con consule all that. to see how to do it you have to look online, theres like 4-5 steps and 8 screws... dont have the link since when i tried to take it out throw the side where your feet goes i could only unscrew 2 screws and the last one was behind the air con pipes with no way to it. tho i took a mobile on the spot browsed the net for c5 .... the site was c5club.com and tittle how process to dismantling dashboard ... and you will find the link with pictures there. hope this helps for someone! thanks for everyone and specially for paul.h
  4. back again with the same problem or more.. the mechanic put in the liquid and cleaned the catalyzer converter, but few days later all these error came up: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y174/Ghost_Ridah/2015-05-26_18-27-58_101.jpg can someone help me to specify the problem...please
  5. i think i read that before once i got the car and was looking for problem fixes, mostly the site is talking about things that my car already got rid off i have changed: timing belt kit all filters and oil hydraulic liquid with a little pipe that was leaking all tires ventilator and one motor for air circulation (which i think is wrong change anyways) few little parts (front wheel section) for mot lights sensor 2 bulbs catalytic converter liquid and maybe few part with it the mechanic told that the problem is esp sensor and it should be located somewhere around the wheel so i guess it is abs sensor...before i look to buy one i will try cleaning this one...cause i already had problems with electric windows and cleaning the switches did the job. one windows was working badly...turned out only little white plastic was out that connects the motor to the glass. still 3 problems i got is: esp sensor air con regass (cant fill it until i didnt sort out this motor problem im having) arms for back wheels (my back wheels bottom parts are tilted outwards and i need to change the whole part to fix it, a very expensive fix) once these 3 more thing is sorted car will be perfect. thanks for all the help
  6. yeah the car is left hand drive and it does have auto climate control. um and by your explanation where the motor is i think i changed the right one...when you take of the cosmetic plastic under the steering wheel you can see that motor on the right side kinda deep (well left if we were talking about the right hand drive), i go to the two links you shared. seems that the problem is deeper then the motor, will check it manually on monday to be sure. right reading more and there are two similar motors in almost same place??? The reduction motor for distribution flaps and The reduction motor for mixing flaps... honestly i think i will go to break yard again just to see better how everything looks there under the dash since i know there is one with dash already off, was stupid not to do it when i was taking the parts off. and about refrigerant yeah that is totally gone...need to fill it, but the problem is not about that, because even with out it there should be difference between 16 and 28 degrees and there isnt, on the passenger side it is perfect... 16 degrees normal air 28 degrees hot air, drivers side no matter what degrees the air is hot. btw prices here is spain is a lot cheaper... air con regass 40euro and i got second hand motor for a 10euro, ventilator for 20euro... spanish love citroens, here are tons of them so break yards are loaded with them, even in a small one i went i got 4 or 5 c5s to choose from. problem is that c5 estate or break dont know what to call it, is very rare and i drive all around spain and seen only one so far (tho not that this matter for this problem)... but i got more... i know this will be off topic, but when i search the forum i ether dont know what im looking for or the search engine just cant find it. so one more problem: 1. esp sensor need to be changed ( at least thats what the mechanic said right after he said that esp only needs to be set up right with computer). problem i got, i dont know where it is or even how it looks and i cant even find esp sensor anywhere on the web it seems that the name in english is different or something. do you know the link anywhere about it or a picture how it looks. i must say i live in spain only two years and im not the one talking to the mechanics.
  7. this one is not that dificult problem and im trying to solve it my seft. when i put the air circulation (dont know how to call it, when you want air to come out and cool/heat the inside of the car) in the drivers side the air that come out is hot and it doesnt matter if i have 16 or 28 degrees set on it, it still come out hot, (passengers side is as it should be, works fine). the mechanic said to change the air con motor that changes the air intake from the engine to outside http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/m9jpDljJCQhTIUQwU2Ln3RQ.jpgsimilar to this little thing, but i checked the old one and now the new one they both dont work when i change the temperature. but they do turn on when i press http://thumbs2.picclick.com/d/l400/pict/141286223345_/CITROEN-C5-AIRCON-HEATER-CONTROL-UNIT.jpg the button on the left side below the auto button, then that motor is turning. do not know the error code... so my question is: IS THERE ANY OTHER MOTOR THAT CHANGES THE AIR INTAKE? IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH THE ELECTRICS? IS THE ANYTHING ELSE BROKEN AFTER THAT MOTOR?
  8. sorry for not responding for a while. the problem was fixed, dont know the exact details, but the liquid was used and it cleaned the parts inside and now it is working fine. no more limp mode...tho i wont know untill i have a trip where i have to go up the hills. thanks for the response. on to another problem that im trying to solve my self. which is a head ace.
  9. it has 230000km and i dont have the reader so i can only say what the mechanics tell me, and here in spain they are very bad for them its jsut change everything for the most expensive parts
  10. i read on other forum about other cars that it is a common problem with estates of all type of cars... tho i didnt have that problem with opel asta, but anyways is there and easy fix and maybe someone knows a tutorial how to take it apart?
  11. hi i bought this car with many problems, which one of them being this one.. antipollution fault. i went to one mechanic and he told that it is catalizer converter (sorry if i spell it badly) and he said it needs to be replaced. then i went to another mechanic to sort out air con problems and he checked the errors with lexus and he said its similar problem but it might only need the liquid to be filled in the CC or where ever it goes. reason being why i dont think it is totally bad is that i passed mot with it with no problem co2 was minimum (tho the car is on limp home mode) and no black smoke coming out of the exaust, and the light in the dash is coming on and off... what can be the solution?
  12. mechanic checked and i got 3 error codes comming out from the catalizer... :unsure: 900 to change it... tho it did pass the MOT with it and the co2 whas minimum. tho i do think that the car is working on a slump mode...thats why there is no power. any solutions? ohh and eml light if that the one that looks like the sink valve then yes is it on, sometimes it goes off....
  13. yes thats what i wanted to hear. thank you
  14. i had that problem with open astra... main dealers dont have the replasments, and i do not advise looking for it on ebay, sure you will find similar or even the same... at least from the picture it will look the same...but i burned buying one...so do not advise doing it. mechanic did it for me with a torch and some other tools. note torch and alloy does not go together so the cosmetics will get damaged...but you got to do what you got to do right... bad luck... was told once i bought a car...take them off and put normal bolts so you wont have that problem...i didnt...few month later i lost them and ....
  15. cruise control for me is a very useful thing for doing long trips on the highway, but its totally new for me. last weekend i was driving c5 06 i tihnk and it had the cruise control and when iturned it on it showed it self in the dash panel and everything was cool. now i bought c5 estate 2004 and its cruise control seems totally diferent. first it didnt work at all... then a guy turned on something in the screen (dont know what it is since its in spanish ). and then he told me that i work so i tried it today and at first it didnt work, but going above 90 it turned on... but even so... i didnt know what speed its going up to (cause it was accelerating) could not check it more because i had to stop...trip was very short. question is in the older models does it show up anywhere when you turn it on?
  16. no the light is not on, and i dont know what swirl pot is and where it is.... one the car will pass mot i will start looking into things that does not need to be perfect for it to legal to drive. thanks i will check after where and what is it.
  17. i just bought this car and when i was on the highway i put in 5th gear at 100km/h or more on slight uphill i start loosing power. Accelerating doesn't help it just slows the car down. 1th-4th perfect. Can it be sorted? and what is the problem...
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