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gas man

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  1. gas man

    Relay Side Door

    What causes the play in the side door,it's fully locked,bit worried it can be pulled back this far,can I do anything about it?
  2. Had a look today,its not much so a easy fix,rest of the underside looks good,no other rot
  3. offside rear Vehicle structure has excessive corrosion, seriously affecting its strength within 30cm of the body mountings sill (6.1.B.2) nearside rear Vehicle structure has excessive corrosion, seriously affecting its strength within 30cm of the body mountings inner sill (6.1.B.2) offside rear Vehicle structure has excessive corrosion, seriously affecting its strength within 30cm of the body mountings inner sill (6.1.B.2)
  4. Had a pre mot check,engine mountings knackered,but also needs 2 small bits of welding,not sure where too will find out monday,told its unusual to find rust on this shape? very odd,thought these vans resisted tin worm quite well
  5. No sorry,that's in the boxer,this is the earlier 100 bhp HDI got its test next month,i will go out and take a look
  6. ,i am getting a strange vibration on my 2006,puma engined relay,if its facing uphill or stationary i am getting a knocking noise,it's not the engine,i get a loud thump when i turn the engine off,the noise sometimes goes if i dip the clutch, but not always ,initially making me think it was a DMF problem,no issues with driving or changing gear,no clutch judder,starting to wonder if its a engine or gearbox mount
  7. Think i found the cause :lol: looks like insulation,god knows how it got in there
  8. Do we have any reference to part numbers for the later Relays? trying to find some minor bits for mine and could really do with having them on a download i can look at,other than that may need to go to a main dealers,cant find the info on the net
  9. fair enough,will leave well alone
  10. Brought the 2012 plate boxer L1 H1 130bhp,home today, we have 2 vans and my dads ever reliable transit has succumb to tin worm what a difference over our other van the 100bhp Relay,now both have the same 2.2 puma engine ,has anyone fitted a tuning box like this to the 100 bhp?http://www.pro-bitz.com/…/C…/Jumper/Relay/Relay-HDi/prod_301
  11. is this it? will get some if it extends engine life and some magnatec oil http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LUCAS-OIL-HEAVY-DUTY-OIL-STABILIZER-1-LITRE-HIGH-QUALITY-ENGINE-FUEL-ADDITIVE-/121743131966?hash=item1c5874c53e:g:UgEAAOSwgQ9V3u8D
  12. ok,its a van,not the most glamorous of things,but i spend up to a thousand miles a week some weeks pounding the motorways,i went for a Citroen because they look good and generally have a good reputation,the 2.2 lump in mine is the well known puma engine,its not without its issues as a engine but when its working you have car like performance in a large van,anyway heres my money making machine,ladies and gents meet Frank
  13. going to strip it down tomorrow,not had the calliper off,but will check its working and get the copper grease out
  14. i concur,mine was doing this,diesel pump had failed and oil was mixing with diesel
  15. Getting a scraping noise on my brakes,but cant find anything wrong with the pads or discs,it seems to coming from the front offside,had the wheel off and it seems normal,calliper seems good,discs are not worn or scored and pads have plenty of meat on them,its weird,its under moderate to heavy braking but braking performance is unaffected anyone else had this?
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