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  1. Thanks for your help.I got it sorted,my fobs having worked for ages....so connected the battery alarm went when I unlocked and opened door,started ign. Put radio alarm code in radio...pressed button,on dash to disarm inside movement alarm..got out and locked door...sorted alarm off.
  2. Hey Paul,I have tried that once the battery is connected open door (alarm starts)start ignition,then I press the button on my dash to stop inside car alarm((movement sensors) it works until I get out and close the door.Also I found the alarm radio code,once I put the code in,it seems to have worked as when the alarm went off I got out shut and locked the drivers door the alarm did not go off...I won't know if that's it fixed now,as it was getting late &dark.try in the morning,see how it is then. I would prefer to disarm alarm,would be easier I think.
  3. How do I find plug to disarm car alarm,fitting new battery and no fob to turn off alarm. Saxo vtr 2001 Please help
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