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  1. A little update on the topic: My mechanic has officialy given up. He told me to go to official Citroen service center - he doesn't know what it is, never experienced anything like this. Few months after the initial post my car started to produce another type of noise - whistle - as can be heard in this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rg2owlDJzo It can be heard while driving at 60kmh with radio off. I hope I will post another update with a proper diagnostic soon :)
  2. Hi! New user here ;) Car: Citroen C5 2003, 2.0 petrol. Well, I'm not from UK, but my car has an annoying problem and I can't find any answers so here I am. 1.5 year ago, while waiting in a traffic jam I've noticed something strange: a hum, low, bass sound changing tone when I move steering wheel a bit left or right. In the meantime steering pump was changed(my first mechanic said it was that pump making noise), but the hum was(is) still there. Few days ago, another mechanic made a second attempt with no success. He is unable to locate source of that noise. I haven't told him everything about that noise, but he noticed, he can only hear it while inside the car with all windows and doors closed. He can't hear it under the bonnet using his stethoscope. It's exactly what I noticed too, so he made a good effort( I think ;). I >think< I can also feel faint vibrations on the steering wheel while the sound changes its tone, but it might be a placebo effect, so I'm not sure about it. The noise is present/audible when the engine idles. Video I made yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJBV0nZlbpA It's a pretty low volume, but it's audible when I turn the wheel. I bought the car about 2 years ago and noticed the hum few months later(not sure, maybe it was there earlier). From the previous owner I got info that he regenerated the steering pump about 4 years from now. Has anyone any suggestions? PS: Sorry about any language/word mistakes I might've made - I don't have much practice :)
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