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Everything posted by Alzee

  1. Interseting! You could be right about the eco mode light relating to battery charge. I have a Subaru Forester that has the ABS light come on when the battery is weak, it is currently on constantly at the moment cos the battery had been flattened and will now not take a full charge. It's not a big problem though co there is still plenty power in the battery to start and run the vehicle. By the way, a new battery would set me back over £80, so I'm happy to keep going with it fr now and just put up with the ABS light being on all the time. But of course, I will never be aware of an ABS fault if one did occur!
  2. Dan, where have you ordered the temp sensor from, if you dont mind me asking? I believe this could also be the cause of my cabin temperature not warming up for ages mornings. With the heating control ramped all the way up, it still takes about 30mins to get any degree of comfort on cold Scottish winter mornings. Brrrr
  3. The display on the centre of the dash which displays radio station or CD track and the time, will only show temp instead of time if the temeperature is between -3 and +3, as a warning. Other than that, I have no temperature display. I have an LX spec 2001 HDI, maybe you have a higher spec car which does display the temperature all the time. Is this the case or do I have a fault?
  4. Wait a minute folks, does the display unit actually display the temperature anyway. Is it not just for showing you when the temperature gets to between +3Deg and -3Deg to warn of frost on the roads? I'm just not sure that the display is supposed to show any other 'normal' temperatures. My 2001 C5 HDI LX does not display any temperatures unless it is between the +3 and -3. Tell me Frankieb, are you troubled with a poor level of warm air blowing? I have this problem and I believe it may be due to the outside temp sensor being goosed. The car must think it's warm when its actually bloody freezing and it wont pump the heat up in the cabin. I'd like to know how you got on with your temp sensor anyway. Cheers!
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