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Everything posted by checkoutcharlie

  1. Hi Thank you for your reply I took the car to the garage this morning. I checked the coolant level before I started the car which i seem to be doing everyday and the expansion tank was empty, I had hoped that this meant that the water had displaced the air lock and all was well. It still has an erratic temp display going from 0 to 2 bars and back to 2 in a matter of seconds but it is going to have another thermostat fitted Friday and see if that helps. He has plugged it into his computer and it is saying multiple faults on cylinders so he is fitting a new coil pack and new plugs on Friday also. So I will see what changes that makes. Also noticed tonight a hole just before the back box with small amount of water dripping out. Hoping that is just water vapour from the exhaust process and nothing more serious? Thank you for the link for the code reader. I have ordered one for future use. I will keep everyone posted as to what happens next, really hope this fixes it. Regards Alz
  2. hello Thanks for your replies and advice. I have just finished doing some checks on the car as you suggested. I used the car this morning and drive locally, i got stuck in traffic for a few minutes and when i got going travelling at about 30mph the engine management light came on and the car was juddery. i had to drive on due to the roads and when acccelerated the light went off. I have had the car running at home and the radiator felt the same temp at all corners. I couldnt check the centre without taking the fan off and i do not have a clue how to take it off. The radiator top hose and bottom hose were hot to touch. however the bottom hose going into the bulk head was also hot to the touch,but the top hose with the bleed screw was only barley warm. I left the engine running as i was attempting to bleed the system and check if the fan kicks in, the fan kicked in but cant be sure what speeds however the engine management light came on and is still on. The engine only got to 3 bars Not sure what my next step is, system pressurises.fan speeds all work. Do i need to get the thermostat changed. also what could cause the management light to come on and what is the reader that someone could advise me of to buy so i can can check codes and clear them. I replaced the coil pack with a second hand unit a few weeks ago as advised by my garage as it came on just after the waterpump was replaced when stationary at the garage. Thank you alan
  3. Hi all I am new to the world of being a citroen C3 owner and i have a few issues that i cant seem to sort and have left me completely confused. I have a C3 desire 1.4 on an 05 plate and would be grateful for any advice. Firstly the engine temp seems to erratic according to the dash display. after 6 miles of driving it gets to the first bar only. after i have travelled 8 miles to work it still sits on the first bar, however if i turn the engine off then turn the ignition back on it shows 2 bars. i have taken it on a 200 mile motorway journey and it goes up to 3 bars and drops between 3 and 1 bar and vice versa even when travelling at 70mph. Secondly which is the most worrying is that the heater will not blow warm air, it will blow cold and mildly warm even when the dash states 3 bars, the water level is on the max on cold and after a journey it goes down halfway between max and min. i leave the car parked for 24 hours and open the expansion tank and pressure releases and the level comes back to max or sometimes a little below max. I have had the water pump changed by my local garage who i have used for years and never had a problem with, but it still does it. is it normal for it to hold pressure even when cold for 24 hours? it has been bled several times and the pips going to and from the heater are warm but the air is still cold. Are these faults connected in any way and how can i fix them as my garage is baffled and i have no ideas. the thermostat looks new so i have not had it changed yet. there is no oil in the water or water in the oil and no obvious signs of a water leak i have ordered a haynes manual but can anyone tell me what i need to do or change as i am all out of ideas. Engine has done 96,000. the cambelt looks good for another 30,000. do i need a new engine or just to change some parts if so could someone tell me what parts and where they are as i am not that mechanically minded. The car other than that is really good, i am 6ft 3inches and fit in it great and lots of space etc i just dont want to destroy it by not doing the fixes. thanks in advance alan
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