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  1. Thanks Randombloke, I'll ring them up
  2. Thanks for your answer Paul. I figured the dealer just wants to charge as much as they can or just do an easy fix. My engine is the petrol 1.6L THP 155, not quite sure about the engine power though, in france is is marked as 156 and 153 in the UK whilst named "thp155". It is bigger than the VTI but I suppose they have the exact same problems. Thanks for confirming I shouldn't go to a dealer. I'll see if I can find one but I'd rather have someone recommend one.
  3. Hi Everyone, I am the very (un)happy owner of a second hand DS3, D sport plus 153 BHP. The car itself is pretty nice and as a French guy I've always been fond of the DS3 ever since it was released, BUT I am having some engine issues with the turbo not working from time to time and the timing chain tensioner that needs to be replaced (plus a few odd things to fix). My local Citroen dealership in Canterbury is charging some crazy money just for manual labour and I was advised to find a Citroen specialist who would be much better and cheaper than the dealer. Can any of you recommend a good Citroen specialist in Kent, possibly not too far from Canterbury? Thanks in advance.
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