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  1. Thanks have got it sorted , stupid me after reinstall forgot patch it . Found rest of settings in car manual Thanks
  2. Ok thanks , Can’t get first activation code in must be wrong tryed LEXIA345 so cant generate code
  3. Can anyone help not used it for ages and now it won’t activate put in cust number Ch0001 but won’t have it , I seem to remember it needs be something like Lexia 3 but wife through out book I had it in , Help please car running bad
  4. Thanks for info
  5. I dont know what happened to cxoc i was on it and responce time was good , See how it goes here ,i had no responce yet after hrs but in no rush , Cheers all
  6. Hi i have xsara 2.0 hdi 2002 model , Does anyone know if front driveshaft bearing housing is same on manual and auto . Bottom ball joint housing clamp worn on mine and have come across auto one but not sure if same , Both have abs
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