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as per other thread got a sealey 8800

and it works fine, scanned the codes and got 3 





the bottom 2 relate to EGR flow and EGR flow excessive the P1352 doesn't seem to be in the book?


Cleared the faults and as the car was 1/4 full and has been run on supermarket fuel and i suspected the cause maybe this I drove the car to a BP station and filled up with ultimate, no problem at all.


Drove approx 100 miles still no problem, then left parked up for 2 hours started up and the same fault codes came back.


The car drives really well, pulls better than other cars ive had and accelerates brilliantly, no judder or anything.


Any ideas please.


Im going on a 300 mile trip tomorrow so hopefully the car will be ok



I could help whitout problem

But in order to do it I need your car serial number, it is something like VF7xxxxxxxxxxxx

With it I 'll can check on the citroen database.

But I think p1352 is a relai problem


Send me your number and I respond to you quickly




Was also considering as i have just got the car and i know that the previous owner has only run it on supermarket fuel - whether to try 1st getting some spray EGR cleaner for the air intake?



I found your car engine on the database 

so the P1352 is actually a fault on your glow plug system, but on this engine model it isn't something important, so leave it like this.

but your real problem is with the other code P0402 an P0400

is a problem with the air intake, the things you have to do first of all is to check your air flow meter.

on this model car it could swallow some water.

if you remove it and check it carefully it is easy to see if some water went on it.

If you want you can take a picture of the inside of the airflow meter and I will said to you if it is good or not.

And if your airflow meter is ok, it certainly your vacuum system that is out of order.

If it is it, you will have to change the 3 valves of the system.

and for your question about hairspray cleaner.

I am sur that you could save some money if you don't buy it 


I have never repaired a car with it.


good luck


I hope I help you..... 

  On 8/17/2013 at 4:16 PM, THOMASROBLOT said:


I found your car engine on the database 

so the P1352 is actually a fault on your glow plug system, but on this engine model it isn't something important, so leave it like this.

but your real problem is with the other code P0402 an P0400

is a problem with the air intake, the things you have to do first of all is to check your air flow meter.

on this model car it could swallow some water.

if you remove it and check it carefully it is easy to see if some water went on it.

If you want you can take a picture of the inside of the airflow meter and I will said to you if it is good or not.

And if your airflow meter is ok, it certainly your vacuum system that is out of order.

If it is it, you will have to change the 3 valves of the system.

and for your question about hairspray cleaner.

I am sur that you could save some money if you don't buy it 


I have never repaired a car with it.


good luck


I hope I help you..... 


  On 8/17/2013 at 5:21 PM, THOMASROBLOT said:


Hi Just looking at the diagram on Citreon service am i right in thinking that the part number if i need to replace the air flow meter is 1920AG?

which is this one?  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CITROEN-C5-DC-2001-2004-2-0-2-2-HDi-HATCHBACK-ESTATE-AIR-MASS-FLOW-METER-MAF-/251173261648?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3a7b17d150


You are right

But you have also to check by witch way the water goes in your air flow meter

Generaly it is by the hose below the airfilter box, check if there is a gap on it.

I also do a hole in the box filter in order to exit the water how comes in.


ok not had time to check it yet but have had a 400 mile trip and its consistant with the error - the engine warning light ONLY comes on when iddling.


The car pulls well and runs well, but when i come to a standstill and its idlling the light pops on, done it 3 times during the journey, once at a traffic light and twice while waiting to pick someone up.


Everytime have knocked the light off with my code reader so hope this narrows it down a bit.


Same codes everytime as previously reported.


Have continued to fill/top up with BP ultimate.


Hi John, excuse me for being stupid, am i right in thinking the EGR is the one on this picture, thought i knew!! but behind the one i think it is - with the blue plug is another similar on the upper bulkhead.

Iam looking on the right of the car as you look from the front near the bulkhead



  On 8/19/2013 at 3:37 PM, Johndouglas said:

Les - remind me - Is yours an 8 valve HDI engine or the 16valve?

good question - its the 2.2 hdi mk1 diesel


according to the citroen service site


C5 5 DOOR ESTATE 2.2 HDi 136 Manual gearbox 6



these pics have been taken from a C5 

these parts are close to the head of the left suspension, there is a plastic corver on it

your pictures is about a electrovanne egr 

normaly you must find 3 vannes, one blue (EGR), one grey (TURBO), one black (EGR switcher)

the best is to change all of them, but you can check them with a vacuum meter

  On 8/19/2013 at 3:46 PM, les-cumbria said:


good question - its the 2.2 hdi mk1 diesel

Oh dear - not familiar with it's layout.   Sometimes owners stop the EGR system from working by putting a plate in the flange.   I believe it sometimes brings on the management light.   Plates are like this:-


  On 8/19/2013 at 6:55 PM, Johndouglas said:


  On 8/19/2013 at 3:46 PM, les-cumbria said:


good question - its the 2.2 hdi mk1 diesel

Oh dear - not familiar with it's layout.   Sometimes owners stop the EGR system from working by putting a plate in the flange.   I believe it sometimes brings on the management light.   Plates are like this:-


Hi not familiar either maybe someone will come back to us on here, seen the plates though



If you want stop your erg system you dont need a plate like this.

You just have to unpluged or seal the plastic hose on it.

But the pollution system will see it, and turn on the light on your dashboard.

So dont do it this motor.


wow This topic has way to much going on in it. And going from one subject to another Theres airflow meter egr valve turbo solinoids and phantom codes and nobody knows wether its a 8 or 16 valve engine. Maybe lets stop have a cuppa and start again from the begining.


Yours is a 16 valve  infact all 2.2 are 16 valve


Forget the 1352 code

o402 will  be there because 0400 is putting it on its called a domino effect where one fault puts another fault on ( learnt that of techbod)


ok lets just run thru a couple of questions


Youve just bought the car - yes - was the light on when you bought it if yes then everytime the light comes on there will be a beep and if you look at your center display it will tell you what system has put the light on. if the light wasnt on when you bought it have you done any other work on the car or given it a service


Hi Thanks will answer your questions

Yes the light was on when i bought it, was told that it came on after the fuel cap was left off plus he used only supermarket fuel, whether or not its true i didn't doubt him as the car runs very well, bought a reader and was able to turn the light off but the light comes back on when on very low revs, once turned off it will stay off all day till i get to a situation where the car is ticking over.


Yes there is a beep when it comes back on. ok on the domino affect that explains why more than one code comes on, so 0400 is the troublesome code?


0400 relates to the egr but am trying to find out exactly where the egr is on my car, looking from the front of the car although I have seen a diagram it does not point out where it is, hence putting the previous link of the picture of the engine on.


You asked what message on the central console "antipollution warning" so egr i guess.


Ok youve got 2 issues here Your 2.2 will have a fap filter on it and every time you remove the fuel cap it tells the ecu ( the cap has reed magnets in it) and  losing the cap and then replacing it with any old cap will cause problems in that the ecu wont get a signal that it needs to rgenerate the fap filter and will put a antipollution fault on. So check with the dealer that you have the right filler cap. If you have the right cap then remove the panel from inside the boot and check the wiring going to the filler neck and clean  both the filler neck and cap.


i would leave the egr till you clear up the filler cap issue because if the exhaust gases arnt flowing freely it will affect the egr and turbo.

 And for future reference If you look at the exhaust manifold at the back of the engine youl see a thin metel pipe coming of the manifold. Its at the timming belt end and is about the same diameter as a £2 coin  follow this pipe to you come to a round saucer like item with a rubber hose and a blue conector and thats your egr valve. The pictures you put on were boost solonoids

paul h the moderator has access to the citroen service site maybe he could find the part number for your filler cap so you could check with the one you have


Thanks its the first time anyone has pointed towards the fuel filler cap thats interesting, the story was that he filled up and left his cap behind at the fuel station, drove off and then the light came on, he returned back to pick up the cap but the light then never went off.


I will give it a good clean and around the kneck and as you suggest check the wiring, so the story may be correct then but its strange that the light only goes on when its on tickover and then once i reset it its ok till im next on tickover.


So if the filler cap needs replacing i have to get a genuine part i guess if its got a reed magnet on although there are filler caps locking and non locking on ebay would it be better to avoid them?


The part number on the service site says 1508 J3 or 1508 j4

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