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We've got a 2002 c5 with citroen installed twin 7 pin sockets on the tow bar. The main socket for the lights has self destructed and needs replaced but I have no idea about which colour goes where. I think I can get another socket from another car of the right type ie 7 pin with blue extra electronic box on the side. Problem is I don't know which cable goes where. Anyone know?

I've got an '07 C5 with a towbar fitted with twin 7-pin sockets. I'm about to remove the towbar in the next couple of days, but before I do I'll make a note of the wiring arrangement and post it in this thread for you.


Jamied has already been supplied with the correct wire colours but he said in post 3 that his setup had been wired with 9 wires of different colours. His best bet is to trace his Smart7 relay and rewire correctly from there.


Thanks Johndouglas, I may have misinterpreted jamied's post as saying the colours of his wires are non-standard compared to paul.h's Caravan Club link. I'll make a note anyway when I take my unwanted towbar off, and if those colours don't match the CC spec either then I'll post my findings.


You're right though; safer to start at the relay and take it from there.


when I take my unwanted towbar off,

If you post the model and age of your car, you may find a willing buyer for your towbar.


Sorry jamied, I've taken towbars off a 2003 and a 2007 C5 and the wiring colour codes match the Caravan Club doc that paul.h posted. You'll have to work it out the hard way on yours.


Cheers Johndouglas. The towbar from the 2007 C5 is too rusty to re-use so that'll have to go to the steel recycling skip down the local tip. I've a nice one for a 2001-2004 C5 hatchback if anyone's interested. I'm in the Fareham area (the taint between Southampton and Portsmouth); PM me if you need a towbar for this model at a bargain price.

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